Is it possible to crack after removal of the gallbladder. Diet after removal of the gallbladder. Diet after removal of the gallbladder: what not to eat

In our time, people increasingly began to suffer from diseases of the gallbladder. In most cases, the disease is associated precisely with the presence of stones in the gallbladder. And this is a direct way to cholecystectomy, that is, the removal of the aforementioned organ. After the operation has already been carried out, patients have a lot of questions about nutrition. In this article, we will tell you what you can eat after cholecystectomy and what you can't.

What is allowed to eat after cholecystectomy

Despite the fact that the gallbladder is completely excised during the operation, the body still does not stop producing bile. But now she has nowhere to accumulate, she can simply drain through the bile ducts. In connection with such unregulated production and involuntary movement of bile, the gastrointestinal tract can become inflamed.

In order for the body to be able to properly readjust to new way, doctors strongly recommend adhering to a special diet in the postoperative period and throughout the next year.

Such a long period of dietary nutrition is due to the fact that during this time the bile ducts will be able to expand, and the digestive processes will improve. After the specified time, the diet may no longer be as strict. Then you just need to try not to overeat, eat in small portions 5-6 times a day. If these rules are not followed, then you can earn yourself such diseases as: cholangitis, chronic pancreatitis, gastroduodenitis, etc.

The diet after cholecystectomy has the general name "Table No. 5". So, now let's move on to the list of what is allowed to be consumed after removal of the gallbladder, according to the diet:

  1. Soups - they can be vegetable, cereal, dairy.
  2. Meat is necessarily low-fat varieties. It can be veal, chicken, rabbit, turkey. Any of the above types of meat should be eaten boiled or steamed. This can be, for example, steam cutlets, meatballs, soufflés, meatballs, or ordinary boiled meat.
  3. Fish - again, low-fat varieties, for example: carp, pike perch, hake, cod, etc. The method of preparation, as in the case of meat, is either boiled or steamed.
  4. Dairy products. From this group of products you can use: low-fat cottage cheese - preferable, homemade, yogurt, kefir, milk with a low percentage of fat, low-fat sour cream - only as a dressing for dishes, hard cheese - in small quantities.
  5. Eggs - they can be consumed no more than 1 pc. in a day. Moreover, they must be cooked soft-boiled. And it is even better not to use them in their pure form, but simply use them in the preparation of various dishes, the same cutlets, meatballs, etc.
  6. Vegetables. At first, it is recommended to use them only in boiled form, grated in the form of mashed potatoes. It can be potatoes, cabbage, carrots, beets, zucchini, onions, pumpkin. Later, it is allowed to slowly introduce fresh vegetables into the diet: the same carrots, cucumbers, herbs, lettuce, cabbage.
  7. Fruits. At first, apples are allowed to be eaten only in baked form. 3-4 weeks after the operation, it is already possible to gradually add fresh, necessarily non-acidic, fruits to the diet. This also includes dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots, prunes.
  8. With regard to fats, here you need to use only easily digestible oils, that is, olive, sunflower, corn. Later, in limited quantities, you can add butter.
  9. Sweets. Here the list of permitted products is as follows: honey, non-acidic jam (necessarily boiled, not raw), marshmallow, marshmallow, marmalade.
  10. Bakery. It is allowed to use yesterday's wheat or dried in the form of crackers, rye, bran.
  11. Drinks - weak teas, jelly, rosehip broth, currant.

The above products are the backbone of the basics healthy eating after cholecystectomy. If you follow these recommendations, then a year after the operation, gradually expanding your diet, your body will recover and will again work as expected, in its usual rhythm.

What is prohibited after removal of the gallbladder

After cholecystectomy, the use of the following products is strictly prohibited:

  • Alcoholic drinks, regardless of whether they contain a large percentage of alcohol or a small one.
  • Fatty meats: lamb, pork, goose, duck, bacon.
  • Fatty fish such as sturgeon, catfish, silver carp, etc.
  • Rich meat broths and soups prepared on their basis, fish broths from fatty fish.
  • Sausages and all kinds of smoked meats.
  • Any fried food is strictly prohibited.
  • Canned and pickled products, as well as caviar.
  • Eggs, hard-boiled or fried eggs. We also exclude raw eggs from the diet.
  • As for fats, in no case should you use lard, margarine, and mixed fats in the cooking process.
  • Fatty dairy products: milk, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, cream. Spicy cheese is also prohibited.
  • Sour unripe fruits and berries, nuts, peanuts.
  • We exclude coffee, strong teas, drinks containing carbon dioxide from drinks.
  • The use of products that contribute to gas formation is prohibited: peas, beans, mushrooms, sauerkraut, etc.
  • Fresh onions, garlic, mustard and all hot spices.
  • Fresh white bread
  • Chocolate, baked goods, sweets, pastries and cakes with cream, ice cream.

By eliminating prohibited foods from the diet, you can easily overcome the postoperative period and avoid various complications.

Approximate diet for one day

We will present you a variation of the menu of one day, taking into account dietary nutrition:

  • You can have breakfast, for example, well-boiled buckwheat porridge with 1/2 tsp. vegetable oil. Wash down with tea with the addition of milk, a bite with mild cheese - 50 g.
  • For lunch, eat 1-2 non-acidic apples. It is preferable to eat them baked.
  • Dine on lean borscht not on meat broth or vegetable soup, a piece of boiled meat (you can prepare milk sauce for it so that it is not dry). Wash down with fruit compote or jelly. If the lunch did not seem satisfying enough for you, then you can also eat stewed carrots.
  • For an afternoon snack, drink rosehip infusion with a slice of crackers.
  • Dine on steamed fish and vegetable stew. Wash down with mint tea.
  • At night, you can drink 200 ml of yogurt or kefir - at will.

You have familiarized yourself with all the nuances of dietary nutrition after gallbladder removal surgery. If, God forbid, you have comprehended a similar ailment, then the above information will be very useful to you. Adhering to correct diet nutrition, you will quickly recover, and the body will restore its former strength and energy supply. Take care of yourself and God bless you!

Sometimes surgery to remove the gallbladder is simply inevitable, since the stones that have accumulated in it cannot be removed in any other way. But even after the bladder is removed, health problems may remain. Due to the lack of bile, which serves as the accumulation of bile, bile constantly enters the intestines after eating, which greatly irritates its walls and causes indigestion.

Also due to violation chemical composition bile has a tendency to form stones in other organs. It is the diet that is aimed at normalizing digestion and the work of all organs of the digestive system after the operation, as well as the constant emptying of the biliary tract in order to prevent the appearance of stones in the hepatic ducts.

What foods can be consumed after cholecystectomy?

Mainly, food should be eaten rationally, food should be healthy, and nutrition should be aimed at preventing stagnant processes of bile and stone formation. Food should not be heavy on the stomach and fatty.

Consider what foods you can eat and the principles of preparing basic dietary meals?

The most important principle of nutrition is to eat food in metered portions often (five times a day). This promotes a balanced outflow of bile. This principle also applies to drinking.

It is important to consume protein foods, which are meat, fish and cottage cheese, they prevent the formation of stones. Eat lean meat (beef, rabbit, or turkey is best), lean fish (such as cod, pike, or hake). All meals should be steamed or cooked, no fried foods. For a change, you can cook steamed cutlets, meatballs, meat, fish casseroles, meat casseroles with pasta. Chicken and fish can be eaten on their own in a boiled form, only without the skin.

For a day, you can eat one boiled egg or cook an omelet (only steamed).

As for dairy products, if the patient's tolerance for whole milk is normal, then you can include it in the diet, but if bloating or upset stools occurs, it is best to use dairy products... The menu must necessarily contain low-fat cottage cheese seasoned with sour cream or cottage cheese casserole, cheese cakes, not spicy hard cheese.
You cannot eat butter separately, use it only in cereals in small quantities.

You can also eat sausages such as cooked sausage and lean ham. It is allowed to eat herring raw, the main thing is to make sure that it is fresh.

Do not get carried away with cereals and soups with cereals, as well as flour products, since they contribute to the disruption of the chemical balance of bile, namely, increase the acidity of bile. To normalize the pH of bile, you need to consume wheat bran, milk, cottage cheese, hard cheese, vegetables, fruits and berries.

Wheat bran are prepared as follows: to prepare a dish, you need to take 30 g of bran and pour over boiling water, then steam them. You need to add ready-made bran to main dishes in a tablespoon 3 times a day for about one and a half months.

Vegetables and fruits are high in fiber and should be eaten regularly after gallbladder removal. They reduce the risk of stones and promote normal bile flow. Apples, zucchini, melons, carrots, potatoes, watermelons and grapes have a beneficial effect on digestion.
Fruits can be eaten only in sweet varieties, both raw (except for apples, they must be baked), and in the form of mousses and jellies.

You can also eat vegetables raw, prepare salads with fresh herbs (parsley, dill), season them with sour cream, sunflower or olive oil.

It is worth paying special attention to vegetable fats, as they are rich in vitamin E, fatty acids and phospholipids. These substances normalize cholesterol metabolism and thin bile, and are an excellent prophylactic agent for the formation of stones.

You can drink weak tea and coffee (best with milk), juices from vegetables and fruits (half with water), teas from herbal preparations(decoction of chamomile or rose hips).

It is advisable to dilute compotes from berries, fruits or vegetables with water in a ratio of 1: 3.

It is worth noting that in order to avoid various negative consequences with cholecystectomy (removal of the gallbladder), a separate diet is needed to eliminate all disorders. So, with hypertonicity of the sphincters of the bile ducts, a magnesium diet is needed, which consists of wheat and buckwheat porridge, bran, wheat bread and vegetables.

What should be eliminated from the diet?

To prevent bladder complications, a gentle diet should be followed after surgery. All dishes should be eaten warm, since cold dishes provoke pain in the right hypochondrium.

The consumption of animal fats should be limited, while vegetable oils should be consumed in moderation. Also, do not overdo it with the consumption of eggs (no more than one per day), flour products, raw cabbage and rye bread.

After removing the gallbladder, it is necessary to strictly exclude fried foods, smoked meats, fatty, salty or spicy foods, sausages, pickles, animal organs, fish and fatty meats.

It is also worth giving up hot seasonings, spices, ketchup, mayonnaise, fast food and the use of semi-finished products.

You should not include in your diet nuts, spinach, sorrel (due to high acidity), mushrooms (difficult for digestion), garlic and onions. Among vegetables, it is worth limiting the use of turnips, radishes and radishes.

You should give up sweets and flour products from sweets, jams, sugar, chocolate, ice cream, cakes, muffins. After removing the gallbladder, you should forget about carbonated drinks. Alcohol, including beer, is strictly prohibited.

By giving up junk food, which can lead to the formation of stones and indigestion, you can quickly rehabilitate after the operation.

The first time you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Cook, stew, steam and bake all food with a minimum of fat and salt.
  2. All ingredients for dishes should be thoroughly washed and cleaned.
  3. All ingredients should be cut into small pieces.
  4. Food should be liquid and soft.
  5. A couple of hours before bedtime, you need to drink 200 g of kefir.
  6. It is recommended to drink 2 liters of liquid per day.
  7. Drink 200 g of mineral water 30 minutes before meals.
  8. The break between meals should be three hours.
  9. Sour or overly sweet fruits are best avoided raw.

Milk, cereals and butter should be used in small doses, soups should be cooked in weak meat broth.


Gallbladder 08/07/2016

Dear readers, today I want to return to the very relevant topic of nutrition after removal of the gallbladder, despite the fact that there is a lot of material on the blog devoted to this issue. The fact is that they still write to me, ask questions, because this is very important for people who have undergone surgery, since nutrition and diet are the most important factors in the recovery period after removal of the gallbladder.

In the comments to articles on the removal of the gallbladder, people ask their questions, which Eugene answers competently and easily. And I decided to highlight the main aspects of nutrition after removal of the gallbladder, as well as collect the doctor's answers to your questions in one article. Thus, each of you, dear readers, will be able to obtain the most complete information on all issues related to diet and behavior after surgery to remove the gallbladder.

Do I need to remove the gallbladder

First, let's talk a little about whether it is necessary to remove the gallbladder. This question, I am sure, worries everyone who, according to the results of the examination, was diagnosed with cholelithiasis. The upcoming operation cannot but be scary, this is a normal reaction of any person, and of course, many begin to look for alternative methods of treatment, such as crushing stones or dissolving them with drugs.

Crushing stones is not a safe procedure, therefore it is indicated for a very limited number of patients, and is not often used. An article is devoted to this method, which you can read if you wish.

Dissolving drugs not all stones give in, but only cholesterol. In addition, the effectiveness of this method is determined by many factors, such as the size of the stones, their location, the absence of inflammation, and so on. Evgeny Snegir wrote about all this in detail in one of his articles.

Therefore, you need to trust your doctor and understand that stones carry a constant threat of inflammation of the gallbladder and the development of obstructive jaundice, when the stone gets stuck in the bile duct, and this is already a threat to life.

Therefore, it is more correct to do the operation as planned, when there is no pain, without waiting for serious complications.

Moreover, instead of abdominal surgery, laparoscopic cholecystectomy is most often performed now, this operation allows you to shorten the hospital stay, minimize possible complications and, which is also important, is less traumatic.

What is a diet for after removing the gallbladder

But now you finally made up your mind, and your gallbladder was removed, giving rather general recommendations to stick to the diet for the rest of your life. Is it so?

First of all, you need to understand that everything in the body functions in the same way as before the operation and the liver cells produce bile, which is necessary for normal digestion and cleansing the body of toxins. But only in the presence of a gallbladder, bile accumulates in it and periodically passes into the intestine, and after cholecystectomy, bile constantly flows into the intestine through the bile ducts. Therefore, a certain diet is required, which protects the intestines and does not provoke stagnation and increased secretion of bile.

A strict diet is needed only for a certain period after surgery. Over time, the functions of the gallbladder are taken over by the intrahepatic ducts and the common bile duct, and during the normal course of the postoperative period, bile stagnation does not occur, which allows a person to refuse strict diet and switch to a normal diet with minor restrictions. This usually occurs one year after the removal of the gallbladder.

Now let's talk about dietary nutrition, which allows the body to adapt to the conditions of existence without the gallbladder and which is the basis for maintaining good health. What can you eat immediately after surgery and during the first month to one and a half months after removal of the gallbladder?

Diet and nutrition of the first days after surgery to remove the gallbladder up to 1.5 months

Three days to a week after the operation, a person spends in a hospital under the supervision of a medical staff and his meals are organized according to all the rules of the necessary diet, but after discharge from the hospital, many questions usually arise regarding nutrition, which we will try to answer today.

The main task in the postoperative period is to prevent stagnation of bile, diluting it with copious fractional drinking and taking food in small portions 6 - 7 times a day. It is important to establish a diet, taking food at the same time, chewing food thoroughly, drinking at least 1.5 liters per day in small portions.

For 3 - 5 days it is allowed to drink unsweetened natural juices (apple, beetroot), fruit jelly, mashed potatoes, slightly sweetened tea. You can already eat a little vegetable soup and vegetable omelet, grated through a sieve.

Day 5 it is already allowed to add dried white bread to your diet, but not more than 100 grams per day.

6 - 7 days you can eat pureed liquid porridge, pureed vegetable soups, unsweetened and low-fat cottage cheese, dairy products, low-fat boiled chopped meat, boiled fish, mashed potatoes, protein omelet. It is already allowed to add dried white bread to your diet, but not more than 100 grams per day. Do not forget that food and fluid intake - fractional and small portions, it is very important.

You can drink rosehip broth, mineral water without gas, which will be advised by a doctor, dried fruit jelly, sweetened tea, natural fruit and vegetable juices. The liquid volume can be increased up to 2 liters.

From 8-10 days to 1.5 months you need to continue to follow a sparing diet, all dishes should be boiled or steamed. It can be steam cutlets, boiled meat and fish, meatballs, meatballs, soufflés, milk soups and soups with vegetable broth, cottage cheese puddings, casseroles, viscous milk porridge, mashed boiled vegetables, jelly, non-acidic juices. Do not forget about fermented milk products, which are simply necessary for the intestines. And be sure to drink water, you can mineral, I repeat, in agreement with the doctor.

Fresh vegetables and fruits are strictly prohibited, as they promote bile secretion. Rye bread is also excluded, you can eat only white and always dried or yesterday's baked goods. Dishes should not be hot or cold.

You can read more about nutrition in the first days after surgery, in the first month after surgery in the article

Diet No. 5, nutrition after removal of the gallbladder from 1.5 months to a year. Recipes. Menu

In the postoperative period, when 1.5 months have passed after the removal of the gallbladder, the main task is to take food that does not irritate the digestive tract and contributes to the liquefaction of bile. These criteria are fully met by diet number 5, which you must adhere to.

The main restrictions during this period are everything spicy, fatty and fried.

And if the recovery period goes well, there are no pains and other unpleasant sensations, then the diet can be gradually expanded, but within the recommended diet, while still avoiding foods that are strictly prohibited.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet:

  • fatty meats (pork, goose, duck),
  • fatty fish
  • meat broths,
  • Salo,
  • sausages,
  • smoked meats,
  • canned foods,
  • salted fish
  • offal,
  • caviar,
  • mushrooms,
  • onion garlic,
  • legumes,
  • radish, radish, sorrel, spinach,
  • mustard, horseradish, pepper and other hot spices,
  • fresh bread, pastries with cream and butter dough,
  • fatty dairy products,
  • chocolate,
  • ice cream,
  • cold drinks,
  • strong coffee, cocoa,
  • alcohol.

The basis of the diet should be dairy and vegetable soups with the addition of various cereals, crumbly cereals, boiled or steamed lean fish and meat (beef, chicken, turkey), chicken eggs, but not more than one per day. Include dairy products daily, cook curd casseroles, drink kefir, fermented baked milk and fermented milk products enriched with bifidobacteria. For a side dish, you can cook boiled potatoes, pasta, vegetable stews, cereals with the addition of not a large number vegetable oil.

You can already afford desserts in the form of marshmallow, marshmallow, marmalade, you can also have a little honey, jam or homemade jam for tea. You can eat dried apricots, prunes, but in small quantities.

Fresh vegetables and fruits after removal of the gallbladder

1.5 months after the operation, you can already diversify your diet with fresh vegetables and fruits, gradually accustoming your digestive tract to them. At first, add fresh vegetables to the diet in chopped form, no more than 100 - 150 grams before meals. It can be carrots, zucchini, celery, sauerkraut in small quantities, tomatoes. For the first time, remove the skin from the tomato. You can add any non-acidic fruits, peel the apples.

Give up sour varieties of apples, citrus fruits, currants, give preference to sweet fruits and berries with tender pulp. Watermelons are very useful, but it is better not to eat melon during the first year after the operation, it is a rather heavy product for digestion.

So, to summarize: we exclude prohibited foods from the diet, everything fatty, fried, spicy, we eat food warm, in no case hot or cold. We take food 4-5 times a day in small portions, the daily amount of fluid consumed is from 1.5 to 2 liters.

And one more very important condition: introduce new foods into the diet gradually, in small portions, carefully listening to the reaction of your body. And if a product causes you pain or discomfort in the form of bloating, belching, heartburn, it is better to refuse it or reduce the portion for now. Even healthy people tolerate different foods in different ways, and after removing the gallbladder, you need to be very careful about your body.

What menu should you make for this time? The blog has two very detailed articles with recipes and recommended menus at this time. All recipes are described in great detail, there are a lot of them, you will see that even diet food can be tasty and varied. These articles are:

Alcohol after removal of the gallbladder

Very often people are interested in whether it is possible to afford some alcoholic drinks on a holiday. If you do not want to harm yourself, then heed the advice of nutritionists and give up alcohol for one year after the operation. Only as an exception, 1.5 months after the operation, you can occasionally drink no more than one glass of dry or semi-dry wine on a holiday. Strong drinks are strictly prohibited.

What can you eat on holidays

It is much more difficult when you are invited to visit, then you will have to choose, avoiding prohibited foods as much as possible. You should not risk your health, especially since in a year you will already be able to eat fully without any special restrictions. Just give your body time to learn to function without a gallbladder.

Diet and nutrition after removal of the gallbladder in questions and answers

Dear readers, there are so many questions from readers on the blog, so many comments. And we are always in touch with the doctor Evgeny Snegir, the author of the blog Medicine for the soul Eugene, once again I want to thank you for this work. Not a single comment goes unanswered.

And the questions usually start like this: "Is it possible after the operation after removal of the gallbladder" ..., and then comes the question - who cares what. I tried to collect in one place the main questions and answers of doctor Eugene. Hopefully, the structure of the answers and questions will be clear to you.

Meat, fish products, eggs

Can I eat broth soups after I leave the hospital?

In the first 1.5 months after the operation, it is better to eat vegetarian soups, but if you occasionally cook soups for yourself in weak meat broth, then there will be no special crime.

Is fish and meat baked in foil over an open fire fried and prohibited? And when can all this be introduced into the diet?

Fish and meat, baked over an open fire in foil, are still more of a barbecue than a dietary meal. Therefore, it is better to postpone such goodies for a year. As an exception, 1.5 months after the operation, you can pamper yourself with them on holidays, but very, very carefully.

Can you please tell me if it is possible to bake chicken and turkey with vegetables in the oven if only 9 days have passed after the operation? Is it okay to cook permitted foods in pots at all, or is it still very early?

It is already possible to bake chicken with vegetables in your postoperative period, just do not add fats, add only water so that the products do not burn and there is no crust.

2. It is already possible to make pots in the oven with permitted products, again only on water.

Please tell me when it will be possible to eat red caviar, fatty fish and crab sticks?

Fatty fish and red caviar are best set aside for a year. Occasionally, on holidays, 1.5 months after the operation, it will be possible to delight yourself with a small piece of slightly salted red fish, but nothing more. Crab sticks with a proven track record can be eaten 1.5 months after surgery.

When can I eat sushi and rolls?

How long after surgery can you eat whole eggs?

After 1.5 months from the moment of the operation, you can only add egg white to your food, then you can eat whole eggs during the year, but not more than one per day.

Is it possible to use canned meat baby food as a snack in the postoperative period?

Baby food still refers to canned foods that are not recommended for the first year after surgery. Fermented milk products with white bread are quite suitable as a snack.

Fats and dairy products

How long after the operation can vegetable oil be added to food?

Vegetable oil is acceptable 1.5 months after surgery and no more than two tablespoons a day.

When can you add butter to food?

It is advisable to completely exclude butter from the diet during the first year of the postoperative period.

Is it possible to add a little sour cream to food a month and a half after the operation?

You can already try adding sour cream to food, but not fatty, focus on your well-being.

A week has passed after the operation, tell me, please, what fat content you can eat fermented milk products and can you drink acidophilus?

In the first 1.5 months after the operation, the lower the fat content of fermented milk products, the better. It is allowed to drink acidophilus.

A week ago, the gallbladder was removed, laparoscopy. Can I already eat baby curds Tema, Agusha (they have a fat content of 4-5%) and drink kefir 3.2%. I suffer with a chair, there is no urge at all.

You can already eat baby curds, drink kefir too.

Vegetables and fruits

2 weeks have passed since the operation, can I eat cauliflower?

Boiled cauliflower you can already eat fresh, only 1.5 months after the operation.

When can you start eating sauerkraut and homemade lecho?

In theory, sauerkraut and you can start eating lecho 1.5 months after the operation, but these homemade preparations can cause severe bloating (flatulence), so here you will need to focus on your own well-being. If you tolerate it normally, then you eat, badly - we wait a year.


Is it possible to drink rosehip decoction a week after the operation?

You can drink rosehip broth and even really need to.

Can I drink dried fruit compote immediately after leaving the hospital?

You can already drink compote and dried fruits calmly. Everything will be fine.

What mineral waters can I drink after removing the gallbladder?

You can drink mineral waters, after removing the gallbladder, Essentuki No. 4, Slavyanovskaya, Smirnovskaya, Mashuk No. 19 are suitable.

It has been 1.5 months after the operation, I feel well, I am on a diet. Can i take lemon water now?

Yes, you can. Just be guided by your own well-being, perhaps an exacerbation of chronic gastritis or duodenitis. Therefore, if you experience pain in the abdomen, it is better to stop taking lemon water.

Nuts, sauces

After the operation, 4 months have passed, can nuts and seeds be added to the diet?

You can already eat a little nuts and seeds, just reduce the amount of fat in the daily diet.

How long will it take to season dishes with soy sauce?


A month has passed since the operation, can I eat marmalade?

Considering the great importance of marmalade, you can eat it, but in the first 1.5 months after the operation - a couple of slices and no more than twice a week.

Three weeks have passed since the operation, can I eat jam, marshmallows, chocolate?

In your postoperative period, it will already be safe to periodically consume two tablespoons delicious jam in a day. Marshmallows can be eaten 1.5 months after the operation. Chocolate is not officially recommended during the first year of the postoperative period. But if you really want to, then you can quite afford two chocolates twice a week. They will not do much harm, but they will noticeably improve your mood.

Cereals, bran, flour dishes

Is it possible to eat store dryers and cookies with tea?

You can start eating store dryers, dry cookies can be no earlier than 1.5 months after the operation, but carefully and not every day. A year after the operation, there will be no restrictions within the framework of their reasonable use.

Can I eat pizza during the first year after surgery?

Is it possible for 8-9 days after removal of the gallbladder to eat soups and cereals from rice and peas?

Rice soups and cereals are already possible. During the first year after surgery, legumes should be excluded from the diet.

After the operation, 38 days have passed, I read that bran is useful, can I use it now?

Bran can be added to food 1.5 months after surgery, i.e. in your case, in a week. Theoretically, you can take any, according to your taste, but according to the experience of patients, wheat is best suited.

When can pancakes be eaten? Or will we have to forget about them now?

Pancakes can be eaten 1.5 months after the operation, but be careful, it is advisable not to use a large amount of oil in the recipe. Pancakes cooked with fermented milk products are very good. Pancakes can be eaten no more than twice a week.

Is it possible to cook Extra oatmeal 1.5 months after the operation?

If in the postoperative period there is no tendency to constipation, then eat oatmeal"Extra" is possible. If you are concerned about constipation, then it is better to cook yourself a full-fledged oatmeal porridge.

I hope that the doctor's answers will help you to resolve your doubts and organize your meals correctly. In addition to the nutrition itself, many have questions about how to cope with nausea, how to get rid of constipation or loose stools after surgery, what to do if skin rashes appear.

Nausea after surgery

17 days have passed since the operation to remove the gallbladder. I adhere to a diet, but for the last 2 days I began to feel a little nauseous during the day. What to do with it and what can it be from?

As a rule, nausea is associated with the throwing of bile into the stomach from the duodenum. Frequent fractional meals, distraction therapy (lemon slice in tea). The drug "Motilium" has proven itself well, but the purpose of any medicinal product must be agreed with a doctor after a direct examination.

I have an aversion to food, nausea, a sour or metallic taste in my mouth, and stool problems. Maybe you can recommend something to increase your appetite?

Within a year, the body must adapt to new conditions of functioning after removal of the gallbladder and everything should return to normal.

Try to eat small meals, but often. This will allow the bile that is constantly being formed to bind, which will normalize the stool situation. Rice is good in this situation, buckwheat, fermented milk products more than three days old. Bananas and apples also help. Unsweetened apple juice stimulates appetite well.

If you don't want to eat anything at all, then cook yourself at least a light summer vegetable soup, add grated cheese, boiled egg white to taste and a spoonful of vegetable oil there. Delicious, easy, nutritious!

You can buy special Nutridrink formula at the pharmacy. They have different tastes, something must be liked!

Proven recipes from me.

(recipe for chamomile with flax seed).

Stool normalization after gallbladder removal

After removing the gallbladder, constipation tortured, help! And how long can laxatives be taken?

Laxatives should not be taken all the time, otherwise they can completely teach the intestines to work on their own.

  1. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of water at room temperature, then breakfast and go to the toilet.
  2. Fiber is needed for digestion. Therefore, cook dried fruit compotes (preferably with the inclusion of prunes). You can already eat vegetables and fruits after heat treatment: baked apples, boiled beets and carrots are good.
  3. Once every five days, you can perform a cleansing enema, more often it is impossible, otherwise you can wean the intestines from working on their own. Counter enemas also help: 100 ml each boiled water at room temperature, inject with a rubber bulb into the rectum before going to the toilet, you can add one tablespoon of vegetable oil to the water.
  4. For normal bowel function, movement is necessary. Therefore, physical activity is required: regular morning exercises, walking.

A recipe from me, proven in practice - prunes. It must be soaked overnight in warm water, covered with a saucer and left at room temperature... In the morning, drink water and eat prunes. Accept in the system. It is enough to soak 6-8 prunes in about glasses or a little more water. Prunes can be eaten in two meals.

After the operation, despite adherence to the diet, frequent loose stools are worried. Tell me how to deal with this?

  1. You need frequent meals (4 - 5 times a day) in order to bind the bile constantly entering the intestines.
  2. Fermented milk products of more than three days of aging help (fresh ones, on the contrary, have a laxative effect).
  3. Eat rice, rice and buckwheat porridge.
  4. Fiber is required, baked apples are very good.
  5. In the postoperative period, you can undergo a course of treatment with drugs containing normal intestinal microflora (Linex).

Skin problems after surgery

After the operation, my mother developed acne on her face, although she had never had any skin problems before the operation. Help me please

Over time, everything will return to normal, it is imperative to follow the diet and the recommended drinking regimen. Courses of multivitamin preparations, for example "Vitrum" or "Alphabet", also help. Local help ointments of complex effects ("Zinerit", "Dalatsin-T"). They contain antibacterial agents, they are used in a course. Skinoren gel is suitable for long-term use. But I still advise you to visit a dermatologist and coordinate with him the use of ointments and gels.

Behavior after removal of the gallbladder in questions and answers

In addition to nutrition, there are a lot of questions related to behavior in everyday life after gallbladder surgery, the answers to which I have collected for you, dear readers, in the comments to the articles. Perhaps, for many of you, they will help you overcome the difficult period of adaptation and live a normal and fulfilling life. How to live after removal of the gallbladder?

When can I start swimming in open water after surgery? Can I sunbathe? Does water temperature matter?

It will be possible to swim in the sea and other open bodies of water in a month, but it is necessary to avoid stress on the press. You can actively swim no earlier than 6 months after the operation. The water temperature should be comfortable so as not to cause spastic contraction of the intestines.

It is not recommended to sunbathe for the first 6 months, in addition, a closed swimsuit should be used in the sun (persistent pigmentation may appear in the place of postoperative sutures under the influence of the sun). You can sunbathe only 6 months after the operation.

Tell me, how long after the operation can I go to the pool for a swim?

You can go in for active swimming in the pool six months after the operation. You can just splash around in the pool without a heavy load on the abdominal muscles within a month after the operation.

Can i ride a bike or roller skate after my gallbladder surgery?

In a quiet tourist mode, you can start cycling as early as a month after the operation. But active rollerblading and cycling in sports mode is possible only 6 months after the operation, as the risk of postoperative ventral hernias is high.

Is it possible to exercise after removal of the gallbladder and what physical activity is acceptable?

Physical education after removal of the gallbladder is possible and necessary. In the first 6 months after the operation, it is advisable to avoid intense stress on the abs. As for the loads, after laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the first month of the postoperative period, the permissible load is to lift no more than two kilograms of weights. After abdominal surgery, in the first month - two kilograms, in the second month - four kilograms. In both cases, intense pressure on the abs should be avoided for the first six months.

6 months after surgery, there are no particular restrictions on reasonable physical activity. The only thing worth emphasizing is that professional sports are not always good for health. Therefore, a very balanced approach is needed here.

When can I start ballroom and sports dancing?

Ballroom dancing will be possible within a month after the operation, sports dancing - in six months.

After removing the gallbladder, 4 months have passed, is it possible to do yoga?

During the first year of the postoperative period, you need to choose the mildest option for yourself. In the first 6 months, it is advisable to avoid intense stress on the press.

Is it possible to have a sex life after the operation?

Within reasonable limits, you can begin to live sexually within a week after the operation. For the first 1.5 months, it is advisable to avoid intense sexual intercourse.

How long after the operation is sanatorium-resort treatment permissible and is it possible to fly by plane?

Spa treatment is possible three months after the operation. You can fly by plane.

Is it possible to take weight loss drugs 4 months after removal of the gallbladder?

Special weight loss techniques can be practiced one year after the operation. It will be safe this way. In addition, it should be noted that strict adherence to diet No. 5, which is recommended for those who have had their gallbladder removed, leads, as a rule, to weight loss, and if you follow it, the weight problem will gradually go away.

3 months have passed since the operation. Can I do anti-cellulite massage and vacuum in the abdomen area?

We'll have to wait another three months, when six months have passed after the operation.

2 months have passed since the operation, I feel good, can I go to the sauna?

Yes, it is already possible, just be careful, do not stay too long, focus on your own well-being.

These are the recommendations from Evgeny Snegir and me for everyone who has undergone surgery to remove the gallbladder. And remember, the most important thing is your positive thoughts, your attitude that everything will be fine. And, of course, it is worth sticking to the diet, at least in the first year and a half after the operation. And such food can be just tasty and varied. I wish everyone health and joys in life.

And for the soul, we will listen to you today F. Schubert. Impromptu. Op. 90 No 3 ... Performed by David Frey. I love this pianist very much.

After removal of the gallbladder in patients, the first question arises as to what diet should be followed after surgery. After all, after a surgical intervention in the body there is no longer an organ in which bile would accumulate. This article will help you figure out how to eat right.

First of all, it should be noted that you should not eat too cold or hot dishes. If a person likes to drink ice tea or eat "cold" soup, this habit will have to be abandoned.

What can you eat after removing the gallbladder:

  1. Of the vegetables, special attention should be paid to boiled pumpkin and beets, mashed potatoes, carrots, cauliflower and zucchini. The main condition is heat treatment
  2. Porridge. Here you can already give free rein to imagination. Dairy or steam should be decided based on taste preferences... The main thing is to get used to them for those who, since childhood, do not like to use porridge and milk "in one plate". And the choice of filler will always help to make a unique dish from fresh food. Top list includes buckwheat, rice, semolina
  3. Low-fat meats and fish. Eating low-fat broth is also allowed.
  4. Bakery products are allowed only in the form of dried bran bread. A variety of cakes and pastries are now, unfortunately, on the list of prohibited foods
  5. Vegetable fats (olive, flaxseed and vegetable oils). Small amount of butter. This product is added to a ready-made boiled or steamed dish.
  6. Herbs in the form of parsley, dill and bay leaves.
  7. From desserts, honey, jelly, marshmallow, marmalade are allowed.
  8. Beverages. Here the list is quite wide and everyone will find something to their liking: light green tea or dried fruit compote, fruit jelly or rosehip decoction. The main condition is the absence or minimum amount of sugar
  9. Fruits and berries: only sweet and only after heat treatment.
  10. Cottage cheese and kefir. Help the body to cope with all litigation. The main condition: the minimum percentage of fat

What not to eat after removing the gallbladder:

  • The worst enemy of a healthy person, not to mention a patient who underwent surgery to remove the gallbladder, is sweet soda
  • Foods that slow down the digestion process. The main ones are mushrooms and legumes (peas, beans)
  • Smoked meat and sausage
  • Foods containing animal fats (lard, sausages, fatty meats, and fish)
  • White cabbage. In any form, causes fermentation in the stomach
  • An unequivocal ban on the use of all alcoholic beverages.

Whatever the confidence in the correctness of the new menu, after the operation, it is imperative to consult with your doctor about what you can eat. At first, it is extremely difficult to get used to the changed diet, especially for lovers of fast foods, fatty and spicy foods. But with a little patience and imagination, even from the above list, you can make a delicious and varied menu for every day, and in holidays exclude bad health from "forbidden" products.

Surgery to remove the gallbladder (cholecystectomy) ranks second in abdominal surgery after appendectomy. Removing the gallbladder seems terrifying. In fact, after cholecystectomy, it is quite possible to live a full life, but you need to follow a diet.

Features of nutrition after cholecystectomy

Bile is known to be produced by the liver cells. From the liver, it moves along the hepatic ducts. Part of the bile from the common hepatic duct enters the gallbladder. The remaining part moves further along the common bile duct and from there it enters the duodenum.

Bile is produced by hepatocytes almost constantly. But this liquid, in fact, is needed only in the process of digestion. But our body is so intelligently designed that the produced "excess" bile accumulates in the gallbladder. And when a person starts a meal, bile flows out of the bladder and reaches the intestines, where it takes part in the digestion process.

In some diseases of the gallbladder, sometimes cholecystectomy cannot be avoided. In this case, bile is also produced in the liver, but it simply goes down the bile ducts and does not accumulate anywhere, because the reservoir is no longer there. Though bile is produced constantly, but in small portions. Therefore, with a plentiful intake of food, this amount of bile will not be enough to ensure complete digestion of food. Actually, this aspect is taken into account when drawing up a therapeutic diet.

Diet after cholecystectomy implies a gradual expansion of the diet. So, on the first day after the operation, the patient is prescribed hunger, on the 2nd-4th day - the therapeutic diet No. 0a, on the 5-7th day - the surgical diet No. 1. From the second week of the postoperative period and for 1.5-2 months, the patient should adhere to diet No. 5. And only a few months after the operation, you can try to switch to the general dietary table No. 15, while, of course, you need to observe the dietary habits with the removed gallbladder.

Diet in the first days after removal of the gallbladder

The first day after surgery means absolute hunger.... The patient should not even drink, just moisten his lips with water if he is very thirsty. On the second or fourth day, the doctor prescribes a dietary table No. 0a to the patient. This means that the patient can already drink water. And in general, the diet is represented mainly by liquid and semi-liquid dishes. Allowed meals for dietary table No. 0a:

  • Still water;
  • Broth;
  • Kissel from sweet berries, dried fruits;
  • Black, green tea (mostly weak);
  • 1 percent;
  • Diluted natural juice (apples, pumpkin, beets);
  • Fruit jelly.

Note! The main condition for the diet after cholecystectomy is fractional and, importantly, regular nutrition. It is necessary to eat six times a day, the interval between meals should be three hours. Such rules were invented for a reason, because frequent food intake prevents the stagnation of bile. The volume of a portion of food for one meal is 150-200 ml. Food should be warm. Eating cold food can lead to dyspeptic disorders and abdominal pain.

After cholecystectomy, the patient should try to eat at the same time every day. The same postulate should be adhered to in the future, let it become a habit. Eating food on a schedule will improve the process of synthesizing bile and storing it in the bile ducts. This will have the best effect on the digestion process.

Nutrition on the fifth to seventh days after cholecystectomy

On the fifth or seventh day after the operation, doctors recommend that the patient switch to dietary table No. 1. In addition to the previously used dishes, dried bread, crackers and biscuit biscuits of the "Maria" type, liquid grated cereal porridges, mashed potatoes from non-forbidden vegetables, soufflé from lean meat and fish, unsweetened cottage cheese and other dairy products rubbed through a sieve are added to the diet, cooked in water (you can add a little butter), protein omelet.

Sample menu for the day:

It is important to drink about one and a half to two liters of liquid a day, including still water.

Nutrition from the eighth day after surgery

If a week of the postoperative period has already passed behind the patient's back, then it is time to switch to a therapeutic diet No. 5. Doctors recommend adhering to this diet for at least 1.5-2 months. Food is prepared by boiling or steaming. You need to eat six times a day and try to stick to your daily meal schedule. At the same time, you need to drink about one and a half liters of liquid per day.

Allowed meals for therapeutic diet No. 5:

  • Lean meat and fish in the form of a soft soufflé, boiled pieces, steam cutlets, meatballs;
  • Steam omelet (be sure to remove the egg yolk before cooking);
  • Vegetable, cereal, and also light milk soups;
  • Well-grated cereals that can be cooked exclusively in water or milk;
  • Vegetable purees (including potatoes);
  • Steam curd casseroles;
  • Diluted fruit jelly, juices;
  • Vegetable stew;
  • Baked apples;
  • Dried bread, croutons, biscuits like "Maria";
  • Hard pasta.

Diet No. 5 is characterized by a reduced fat content (with the absolute exclusion of refractory fats) and a restriction of carbohydrate content. At the same time, the amount of protein in food remains normal.

Approximate menu for the day with diet number 5:

  • 8.00 - steam omelet, buckwheat porridge, tea;
  • 11.00 - 5% cottage cheese, rosehip broth;
  • 14.00 - oatmeal soup with permitted vegetables, soufflé from mashed boiled beef;
  • 17.00 - baked apple;
  • 20.00 - cooked white fish in a piece, pumpkin puree;
  • 22.00 - berry jelly.

The duration of stay on diet No. 5 is determined by the doctor, taking into account the tolerance of such health food and health conditions... For some patients, doctors recommend eating according to the dietary table number 5 for 1.5-2 months, for other patients - for a whole year. After that, if there are no contraindications, you can gradually expand the menu. But at the same time, it is necessary to adhere to the basic principles of nutrition of dietary table No. 5, and also avoid prohibited foods.

After switching to a common table, a person can already eat low-fat cabbage soup, pickles and beetroot soup, hated broths cooked on chicken, steamed meatballs and cutlets. There are many recipes for interesting dishes made from permitted foods. With a little effort, the diet will be varied and delicious!

What fruits can you eat after cholecystectomy?

The absence of a gallbladder is not an obstacle to the use of many beloved fruits and berries... But it is worth noting that some fruits are still banned. These are, first of all, fruits and berries of sour varieties, as well as enhancing fermentation in the intestine (). But even after removing the gallbladder, you can still continue to feast on such fruits as:

In the first weeks after cholecystectomy, the above fruits and berries can be safely consumed in the form of jelly, jelly and compotes. Baked apples are especially well tolerated during this period. After about a month, these fruits can be eaten raw, uncooked.

Banned products

After removing the gallbladder, the body has to adapt to the changed conditions, respectively, the digestion process also undergoes changes. These nuances must be taken into account, some food products worsen the digestion process and can cause dyspeptic symptoms and abdominal pain. After cholecystectomy, you should avoid the following foods:

  • Fried foods;
  • Fatty meats, poultry and fish;
  • Smoked products, canned food;
  • Meat broths;
  • Refractory fats (these are fats of animal origin, including lard);
  • Spices, herbs (restriction of salt in food is recommended);
  • Pickles;
  • Ice cream and any other cold foods (cause severe abdominal pain due to spasm of the sphincter of Oddi);
  • Carbonated and alcoholic drinks;
  • By-products;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Legumes;
  • Sour fruits, berries;
  • Fresh bakery;
  • Nuts, seeds;
  • Egg yolks;
  • Coffee, cocoa and cocoa products.

Grigorova Valeria, doctor, medical commentator

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