The role of youth in choosing a future essay. Essay “Youth are the future of the country! “Theatrical concert as a form of work with student youth”

We live in a wonderful country and cannot help but think about its future. Responsibility for the well-being of Russia lies on the shoulders of all its citizens, but it is young people who play a key role in the development of the state.

The older generation often talks about laziness and immorality, which they say are inherent in young people, about the inability of teenagers to feel responsible for their actions, about their disinterest in the fate of their homeland. This opinion is extremely wrong.

Youth has always been the force driving progress. We know from history that in the very first days of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), Komsomol members eagerly responded to the calls of the country's leadership to defend the Motherland. Young patriots of Moscow, leaving for the front, wrote in an appeal to Moscow youth: “We grew up, received an education and a profession under Soviet power, on Soviet soil, under the Soviet sun. What could be more honorable for us than to defend our beloved Motherland from the invasion of Hitler’s gangs! We are obliged, and therefore we rightfully demand that we be sent to the front.” In total, in Moscow during the first three days of the war, 50 thousand applications for voluntary departure to the front were submitted. The exploits of young people: Alexander Pankratov, who covered the embrasure of an enemy bunker with his body; air ram by Viktor Talalikhin in the sky over Moscow; More than one generation in our country remembers more than 300 fascists killed by sniper Lyudmila Pavlyuchenko near Odessa and Sevastopol. For heroism and courage, about one and a half thousand Komsomol members were awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union. (See Great Patriotic War. Questions and answers, Bobylev, P.N., Lipitsky, S.V., Monin M.S., Pankratov N.R. -M.: Politizdat, 1984- P.388).

In the post-war period, young people took an active part in the construction of plants, factories, railways, collective farm buildings, and in the development of virgin lands. How many new buildings have been erected by young hands!

Currently, young people are interested in the development of their country, they value their roots and traditions. Young people are generating ideas aimed at supporting healthy initiatives in society. For example, young people are reviving memory watches (tribute to the dead), developing volunteer movement, revives the physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO). It is important that young people support UN proposals to organize events for the Day of Older Persons, the Day of Persons with Disabilities, and the Day against AIDS and Smoking. It is among active youth that Russian statesmen are looking for successors. For this purpose—to train future politicians and leaders of the country—youth governments are created. In Chuvashia, the Youth Government was created by the Decree of the Head of the Chuvash Republic in 2015. Sitting at a school desk, we already know what a school parliament and school self-government are, and we actively work in them.

Talented representatives of modern youth (young scientists, athletes, artists) make a huge contribution to strengthening the country’s authority. Each of us, through our conscientious study and work, strengthens the power of Russia. This is especially important now. After all, it is on the shoulders of the young that the burden of responsibility will fall, the problems that will have to be solved in order to lead Russia out of the financial crisis. And we must be prepared for this, because we want to live in a strong, rich country, whose traditions and history are known and respected at the international level.

Each of us decides for himself: to be active and useful to the state or to remain unnoticed. Everyone will make their own choice!

Alexander MAKSIMOV,
photo by Galina AKHSAKHALYAN.

Therefore, for young people, the relationship between study and profession is of great importance, which is directly related to their future activities and the development of our state as a whole.

Modern society is faced with various problems that affect the future of a person. Education and employment are the main goal of students. They enter university not just to gain knowledge, but to become qualified specialists.

In this regard, young people (persons from 14 to 35 years old) need special attention, because the youth labor market lacks the necessary professional experience and level of education, which leads to low competitiveness compared to other age groups in the labor market (they have education, but no work experience in the profession they received at the university). In addition, often the applicant is not oriented in choosing a profession and in the real situation on the labor market (for example, the market for the profession of lawyer, economist, etc. is oversaturated). And there is also a strong preponderance, such as an excess of professions with a humanitarian bias and a shortage of technical specialists.

Therefore, one of the main problems that our society faces is the employment of young specialists in the profession.

If you provide ineffective assistance in employment, this will lead to undesirable consequences, namely the outflow of educated youth abroad; continuous learning and changing professions; work with other qualifications; unemployment; unofficial work and non-payment of taxes; degradation among youth; lack of savings for retirement; no applications to the labor exchange; lack of control over the working and unemployed population.

According to Rosstat, the number of unemployed in the first quarter of 2014 was 18.6% in the age group of 20-24 years, and 16.2% in the age category of 25-29 years. It is unreliable to completely trust the statistics of unemployed citizens among school graduates and young professionals. This is an unpleasant picture.

Not a single problem can be solved independently; in order to solve the employment of the young population, the help of the state and local governments in each region is necessary. An effective way to solve this problem will be the interaction and cooperation of all structures: state authorities, employment services, education and youth affairs committees.

As part of my chosen position, I propose the “Installation” project, which is aimed at increasing jobs for young people and graduates. Goals of this project:

1) Find a way to provide jobs for young specialists;

2)Improves the work of employment services;

3)Improve the tax base, cash will go to the budget from wages;

4) Young people gain knowledge, work skills and experience.

5) Increase the level of general and higher education;

6) Change the hiring of young workers to jobs;

7) Reduce the unemployment rate among the young population;

8) Increase competitiveness compared to other age groups in the labor market.

As part of this project, it is necessary to talk not only with young people, but also with organizations that work in the city of Orel.

It is necessary to create a list of organizations, clarify the criteria for recruiting personnel and the possibility of training specialists and graduates. This especially applies to students in the field of culture and art. This problem needs to be solved at the levels of organizations that provide jobs and look for specialists for vacancies (relaxing the hiring criteria, employment without work experience, creating a flexible work schedule for full-time students and other measures).

Within of this project First of all, it is necessary to adjust the policy of employment services; control over schoolchildren who have graduated from school, technical schools, and universities is required.

– We need to formulate an order for universities for professions that correspond to current labor market conditions, so we can provide graduates with jobs as much as possible.

– Make entries in the work book about hiring for any job, at the request of the employee. Even for a month or several weeks (will allow you to protect yourself, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, from non-payment of wages, etc.);

– To improve the conditions for adaptation to work, it is necessary to assist young people in choosing a profession from school.

– We need to conduct a social survey and understand where the jobs are that do not accept young specialists and understand the selection criteria, and based on them, revise the training process, invite workers to talk about their profession and much more, which I will present in my sketches at the interview.

As you understand based on the above, this topic is important for me, as it is for anyone young specialist. We all want to find our place in life, do what we love and try to feed ourselves and our family, and most importantly have free time for myself.

Having some experience and a wide circle of acquaintances, the most difficult to find a job is a profession related to culture. Having enormous talent and knowledge, graduates cannot get a job in schools and other institutions and organizations.

In order to have work experience, in my opinion, it is necessary not to lay off part-time workers, but rather to increase and allocate funds for their work, to provide them with the opportunity to grow and be competitive.

Work in the field of culture is important because it allows people to satisfy their spiritual needs in music, theater, and art in general.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the employment of graduates in the field of culture, since our spiritual component as a nation depends on them. Music, theater and art teachers help our children develop. Therefore, I propose the project “Motivation - how important condition development of modern Russian education».

The modern world does not stand still; progress opens new horizons for humanity. What was new for us 10 years ago is becoming obsolete. Society is faced with problems caused by the advent of television, the Internet, social networks. Many of these problems significantly affect such an important area of ​​society as education.

Education is an important process of human life, thanks to which holistic development occurs. Education is an integral part of our life, which begins from the moment of birth and continues throughout life.

Today, the level of education is one of the key analytical characteristics of a society, which gives an idea of ​​a particular country. John Kennedy said, “Our progress as a nation depends entirely on our progress in education.” This is the correct conclusion. The development of science and countries directly depends on the knowledge that we receive and pass on to the future generation. The engine of progress is people’s interest in something; it alone contributed to the study, invention and creation of new things. Therefore, the authorities should be interested in the education of the future generation, for the sake of the development of the country as a civilized state.

In Russia, the problem of education is quite acute. Modern homework and tests are literally done with one click of a computer mouse. Young people spend time on other things, which in most cases are not sufficiently developed and do not bring benefits.

Why does this happen? Why does the quality of education and students’ desire to acquire knowledge decline every year? The answer is simple: in Soviet time such a goal was to obtain a diploma with honors, which would give an advantage in employment.

Today, the biggest problem in Russian education is the lack of motivation, incentive and interest. The most important role is given to teachers, because The prosperity of the country depends on their conscientiousness. Their success is a guide to our future

A modern teacher must have many qualities, along with professional ones.

A modern teacher should be a psychologist and a friend who can give advice and protect in a difficult situation. There are some factors that can be conducive to learning, and there are those factors that do not provide such an opportunity.

In our opinion, there is a solution to this problem - to make the profession competitive in the labor market or, in other words, to increase wages, which will improve the level of personnel qualifications.

A teacher should have natural motivation and should enjoy this profession. Only those teachers who are interested themselves and will be able to impart experience to the future generation will be able to motivate.

The teacher faces a difficult task, which in principle is feasible. Many scientists, sociologists and educators for a long time studied the teaching process and looked for the best option that would allow them to conduct lessons with the greatest efficiency. And these methods were found. In addition, errors that have a negative impact, leading to loss of interest in the learning process, have been identified and identified.

As part of this program, it is necessary to develop new methods of stimulating teachers; I will talk about this project in detail at the interview.

Thus, we understand how important profession is in the life of every person in the society of our country.

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    Student's political orientations youth BSU (final qualifying work) Contents student social political orientation Introduction Chapter 1 Theoretical and methodological aspects of the study of student political orientations youth 1.1 Political orientations and features of their study 1.2 Students as a social group Chapter 2 Features of the system of political orientations of BSU students and factors of its formation.1 System of political orientations of students...

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    Anna Poletunova Anna Poletunova North Caucasus Institute of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, student The North Caucasus institute of the RANEPA at the President of the Russian Federation, student ENGAGEMENT YOUTH INTO HUMAN RIGHTS PROTECTION ACTIVITIES AS A FACTOR OF THE CONTINUITY OF THE FUNDAMENTALS OF THE RIGHT-FUL STATE (Civil Society) IN RUSSIA Today the youth is one of the most important parts of society. Competently participate in legal and political life of the country you can improve the standard of living of the...

  • Selivanov Oleg

    Youth and elections are two inseparable words. And now, more than ever, great attention is paid to the issue of youth participation in elections, because the future of our country depends on the right choice made by the younger generation.



    Municipal entity "Novooskolsky district"

    Municipal budgetary educational institution

    "Trostenetskaya average comprehensive school Novooskolsky district, Belgorod region"


    11th grade student

    Selivanov Oleg Nikolaevich

    29.09. 1997

    Trostenets village, 2014

    Essay “Youth and Elections”

    "So you may not be

    But you have to be a citizen."

    N.A. Nekrasov

    Sooner or later, the time of choice comes in every person’s life. Growing up, a teenager begins to consciously choose friends and what to devote his free time to. And only at the age of 18 each of us is given the opportunity to realize our main goal. state law choose those on whom the fate of our country actually depends.

    The peculiarity of our time is that the state’s electoral system guarantees us a real right to participate in the political and economic revival of the country. We can participate in this process. After graduating from school, great opportunities open up before us, where, in what sector of the country’s life, to put our efforts. We also get the opportunity to directly elect and be elected to all levels of government, and, therefore, influence the internal and foreign policy of their homeland. It is a great thing to be a full-fledged part of such a powerful state. The right to vote and be elected gives a citizen a sense of belonging to his society, awareness of his importance as an individual.

    An important role in creating awareness among young people of the need to take part in the life of the country through voting is played by scientific disciplines studied at school, such as history and social studies. In addition, in literature lessons we get acquainted with the civic position of the great people of our Fatherland. Back in the 19th century, N.A. Nekrasov said: “You may not be a poet. But you have to be a citizen.” Let's go even further, deep into the centuries, and turn to Aristotle. He wrote: “A citizen in the general sense is one who is involved in both ruling and being subjugated.” I agree that a person cannot be considered a full member of society without having a civic position and without taking part in the life of his country.

    We, the generation of the 21st century, live in a unique time and in an amazing country - Russia. Russia is a great power. And the country’s leadership, realizing that the future belongs to young people, is making great efforts to create conditions that would allow the younger generation to receive the proper knowledge and be in demand by society in the future, both for the good of the state and for the good of the person himself.

    Today's youth strive for knowledge. She chooses the light of knowledge instead of the darkness of ignorance. And it is right. Only an educated person can solve important problems correctly.Young people are all different, from upbringing to ideals and values, but despiteIt is we (the youth) who must determine what country we want to live in in the near future, and this can only be done by taking direct part in the elections, taking advantage of our active voting rights. By not participating in elections, we thereby entrust our future to other people who will make a choice for us, and who knows how can it become?

    We must not think that our votes do not decide anything. They decide... Just like they decide and are of great importance. And if we let everything take its course and “give” our vote irresponsibly and thoughtlessly, then politics will really take care of us, and not we of it. But we have a democracy, therefore, the source of power is the people, the citizens of Russia. Article 32 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states: “1. Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to participate in the management of state affairs, both directly and through their representatives. 2. Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to elect and be elected to government bodies and local self-government bodies...” Thus, no one has the right to be reckless about elections.

    Elections are not only a way of expressing the will of citizens, but also one of the stages in the formation of a person’s personality. A person who knows how to think, choose and fight for his happiness future - present personality. Therefore, elections for young people are an important stage in life.

    Participation in elections is not just a constitutional right, but also an event that requires political responsibility from the voter. To choose means to compare, compare, study the activities, programs and views of various candidates and parties, and draw a conclusion about who will be most useful to society. How can you judge things that you don’t understand well? To make the right decision, you need to be a legally literate person. Otherwise, the participation of an incompetent voter in elections will do more harm than good. When choosing a candidate for any post, we must remember that we are giving our chosen one powers of authority. And the fate of the entire country depends on how he uses the power given to him.

    Youth and elections are two inseparable words. And now, more than ever, much attention is paid to the issue of youth participation in elections, because the future of our country depends on the right choice made by the younger generation.

    I can say with confidence that everyone who has the right to vote should exercise their right to choose if they consider themselves a patriot and a citizen, if they want to see their country prosperous and strong, a country of which they can be proud.

    We, the young generation of Russia, must not forget that we live in this vast and great country and we have a choice. We are full of strength, energy, initiative. “When you need to make a choice, and you don’t make it, that’s also a choice,” said W. James. One cannot but agree with these words! We have the right to choose, we must choose! The fate of the Russian state depends on us, young voters.

    Everything depends on us. How we are educated, learn, create, create, this will be the future of our country. The better people live, the stronger the family, the richer and stronger the state. Therefore, all the efforts of our generation should be aimed at improving our lives through work and, as a result, increasing the power of our state.

    Based on all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion: we, the youth, have a great responsibility in determining the future of our country. I am confident that our generation values ​​​​democratic values ​​and will be able not only to preserve them, but also to contribute to their development.

    For myself, I have long decided that participation in elections is my civic duty. Back in the eighteenth century, the German philosopher Emmanuel Kant wrote that “only the ability to vote constitutes the qualification of a citizen.” The right to vote and be elected gives a citizen a sense of belonging to his society, awareness of his importance as an individual.

    IN this moment I can say that I am proud of my country and happy that I was born in Russia, in a country with a unique history, culture and nature! I love the country I live in! I care how the future of Russia will develop, who will govern it and how! I also feel like a full citizen of my country, responsible for its future... Therefore, I will take an active part in the elections to form government bodies!

    I believe that our future, thanks to our joint efforts, will be happy and cloudless. Let us together make our country the way we all want it to be - a great and beautiful Russian Power.

    In all centuries, the future of the country has belonged to the youth. It was young people who were the engines of revolutions, progress and development. And it was on them that the state could rely during the war, in the post-war period, in times of crisis. After all, these were young, healthy people who raised virgin soil, erected mighty buildings, had crazy dreams and made them come true.

    Everything that the state invests in youth will be rewarded with interest. Educated young people are the pillars on which the country will always rest. If from school it is possible to vaccinate

    Young people have a sense of patriotism and love for their homeland, then they, in turn, will invest their souls in its development and well-being.

    Today, as indeed always, it is customary to scold young people. They are credited with callousness, narrow-mindedness, and inertia. All this probably exists. All people are different, each has their own character, dreams and aspirations. But it seems to me that such people simply lack motivation. They do not fully understand who they want to become, what they will do and what they can do for their homeland.

    There are, however, many who have taken an active position since school, are members of self-government, and later – in the youth parliament. They understand,

    That the future depends on them, and every effort must be made to make it bright.

    Many of us make our contribution to the common cause. Some visit the stations of young naturalists, helping birds and animals, others take part in events and flash mobs dedicated to the protection environment. There are clubs for young scientists, where kids invent useful and sometimes simply necessary things for life. I know for sure that they are now working on creating alternative types fuel.

    Of course, today's youth are imperfect, but we are trying to make the world a better place. Even when everything doesn’t work out for us, we don’t give up and don’t give up.

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