Outstanding repressed. The scale of Stalinist repressions - accurate numbers (13 photos)

One of the worst phenomena of Stalinism was massive repression. With each year of the Board of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, as he became more suspected, the number of repressed citizens of the Soviet Union increased. Repressions were subjected to all those who were not pleasing to Stalin, even if they did not lie absolutely no guilt. Not only politicians, but also military commanders, scientists, writers and cultural figures were exposed to persecution.

According to historians N.G. Okhotina and A.B. Roginsky, if the concept of repression is determined narrowly - as the repression of state security bodies for political accusations, "then with small errors, the number of repressed from 1921 to 1953 will be about 5.5 million people." If you include " different types Deported, dead from artificial hunger and killed during provoked conflicts, and those children who were not born due to the fact that their possible parents were repressed or died from hunger, "the number of victims will increase. On the common scale of mortality from hunger and repression can be judged by demographic losses, which only in the period 1926--1940 amounted to 9 million people.

In the statistical compilation of the Supreme Court of 1958, it is referred to about 17.96 million sentences for military time, of which 22.9%, or 4,113 thousand, were sentenced to imprisonment, and the rest - to fines or correctional labor Works. Of these, convicts from July 6, 1941 conviding for the victims of political repression can be attributed on July 6, 1941 on the responsibility for distributing false rumors who excite the alarm among the population. 15.75 million people for these decions were condemned for self-consuming care from work (to change the place of work to many categories of workers forbidden and after the end of the war).

In addition, a significant number of people were sentenced to a lot of sentences and even shooting for minor thefts in hunger (t. N. "Law on spikelets").

According to historian V.P. Popova, the total number of condemned for political and criminal offenses in 1923--1953 is at least 40 million in its opinion, this assessment is "very approximate and highly understated, but it fully reflects the scale of repressive state policy. If, from the total population, subtracting persons under 14 years and older than 60, as low-cost to criminal activities, it turns out that within the life of one generation - from 1923 to 1953 - almost every third capable member of society was convicted. " Only in the RSFSR, the common courts were sentenced with respect to 39.1 million people, and in different years for real terms of conclusion was sentenced from 37 to 65% of convicts (not including repressed by the NKVD, without sentences issued by judicial colleges in criminal matters Supreme, regional and regional ships and permanent sessions operating in the camps, without sentences of military tribunals, without reference, without the hedgehogs, etc.).

According to Anatoly Vishnevsky, "The total number of USSR citizens subjected to repression in the form of a deprivation or significant restriction of freedom for more or less long time" (in camps, special settlements, etc.) since the late 1920s to 1953 "was not Less than 25-30 million people "(that is, convicted in all articles of the USSR Criminal Code, including also special settlers).

In assessing the number of those who died as a result of repression, it is necessary to take into account both executed and died in places of detention and links.

According to the calculations of the historian V.N. Zemskova, for the period from January 1, 1934 to December 31, 1947, 963,766 prisoners died in correctional labor camps, but this number includes not only political prisoners, but also condemned for criminal offenses. However, the demographer and sociologist A.G. Vishnevsky challenges this data.

According to the existing archival data, in 1930-1953, 1.76 million people died in all places of detention. Some researchers marked noticeable contradictions and infidelity in the existing mortality statistics in camps. According to the estimates of A.G. Vishnevsky, killed and died only in places of detention and reference amounted to 4-6 million.

Some do not agree with these numbers. In their opinion, the total number of victims of repression was much more, and different numbers are called - from 10 to 60 million. Their opponents indicate, however, that similar numbers appeared in the 1960-1980s., When the archives have not yet been open , and, in fact, are no more than estimates and approximate calculations. In their opinion, these figures refute not only the archives data, but also purely logical considerations. There is no demographic effect that would necessarily give such colossal repressions (besides hunger and the Great Patriotic War). With increased mortality, the birth rate decreases, and "pit" is formed on the relevant diagram. Large "holes" are known only to two - they correspond to the times of hunger of the 1930s and war (there is another third, 1966--1970s, which is also the result of the war).

Supporters of the above figures, protecting their point of view, are often trying to question the accuracy of archival data. In some cases, they really should be critical. For example, in the tables of the population of the Gulag, there is a strange "other decline" graph. It is not clear that this is a decline, if the prisoners did not die, did not run, were not released and were not moved to other places. According to Demographer S. Maksudov, under the "other decrease" hides the destruction of prisoners in the camps. On the other hand, V.N. Zemskov argues that those who were shot in the camps and when trying to escape were taken into account as "died of diseases of blood circulation organs", and the graph itself can reflect the entries made by the camp.

Of all the above data, it can be concluded that in the end of Stalinist repressions, millions of Soviet citizens died, most of whom were innocent.

Public interest in Stalinist repression continues to exist, and this is not by chance.
Many feel that today's political problems are something like.
And someone thinks that Stalin's recipes could come up.

This is, of course, an error.
But justify why this is a mistake, scientific, and not publicistic means, is still difficult.

Historians dealt with the repressions themselves, as they were organized and what their scale was.

Historian Oleg Glevniuk, for example, writes that "... now professional historiography has reached a high level of consent based on a deep study of archives."

However, from the other of his article it follows that the causes of the "Big Terror" are still not quite understandable.

I have an answer, strict and scientific.

But first about how the "consent of professional historiography" according to Oleg Glevniuk.
Immediately throw up myths.

1) Stalin was not "not at what," he, of course, knew everything.
Stalin not only knew, he led the "big terror" in real time, right up to the smallest detail.

2) "Big Terror" was not the initiative of regional authorities, local partiescretes.
Stalin himself never tried to blame the blame for the repression of 1937-1938 for the regional party leadership.
Instead, he suggested a myth of "enemies that have come into the ranks of the NKVD" and "slanders" from ordinary citizens who wrote statements on honest people.

3) "Big Terror" 1937-1938 was not at all the result of denunciations.
The citizens of citizens of each other are of a significant impact on the course and the scale of repression did not provide.

Now that it is known about "Big Terror 1937-1938" and its mechanism.

Terror, reprisals at Stalin were permanent.
But the terror wave 1937-1938 was extremely large.
In 1937-1938 At least 1.6 million people were arrested, more than 680,000 were shot.

Glevnuk leads simple quantitative calculation:
"Taking into account the fact that the most intensively repressions were applied a little over a year (August 1937 - November 1938), it turns out that about 100,000 people were arrested every month, of which more than 40,000 were shot."
The scale of violence was monstrous!

The view that terror 1937-1938 was to destroy the elite: parbullies, engineers, military, writers, etc. Not quite correct.
For example, Glevniuk writes that there were several tens of thousands of thousands of levels of different levels. Of 1.6 million victims.

Here is the attention!
1) The victims of terror were simple soviet peoplewho did not occupy and did not consist in the party.

2) Decisions on conducting mass operations were taken by the leadership, or rather Stalin.
"Big Terror" was a well-organized, planned procession and went on discharge from the center.

3) the goal was "to eliminate physically or isolate in camps those groups of the population that the Stalinist regime considered potentially dangerous - former" fists ", former officers Tsarist and white armies, clergy, former members of hostile bolsheviks of parties - Socialists, Mensheviks and other "suspicious", as well as "national counter-revolutionary contingents" - Poles, Germans, Romanians, Latvians, Estonians, Finns, Greeks, Afghans, Iranians, Chinese, Koreans.

4) All "hostile categories" were taken into account in the bodies on the lists and passed the first repressions.
In the future, the chain was launched: arrest interrogations - readings - new hostile elements.
That is why the limits on arrests increased.

5) Salin led repression personally.
Here is what orders quotes the historian:
"Krasnoyarsk. Krotik. Arson of the Melkombinam must be organized by enemies. Take all measures to disclose the arsonists. Guilty to judge accelerated. Verdict - execution"; "To beat the Unshlicht for the fact that he did not give the agents of Poland by regions"; "T. Yevov. Dmitriev acts, it seems to be sluggish. It is necessary to arrest all (and small and large) participants of the" rebel groups "in the Urals"; "T. Yevov. It is very important. You need to walk along Udmurt, Mari, Chuvash, Mordovian republics, walking with a broom"; "T. Evhov. Very good! Copy and clean up and continue this Polish-spy mud"; "T. Yevov. The line of the Socialists (left and right together) is not disposed<...> It should be borne in mind that the Socialists in our army and outside the army have been preserved quite a few. Is NKVD records of Serc ("Former") in the army? I would like to get it and quickly<...> What was done to identify and arrest all Iranians in Baku and Azerbaijan? ".

I think there can be no doubt after reading such orders.

Now let's go back to the question - why?
Glevnuk indicates several possible explanations and writes that disputes continue.
1) At the end of 1937, the first elections were held on tips on the basis of secret voting, and Stalin was insured against the surprises of the way it was clear to him.
This is the weakest explanation.

2) repressions were a means of social engineering
The society was subject to unification.
There is a fair question - why exactly in 1937-1938 the unification needed to sharply speed up?

3) "Big Terror" indicated the cause of the difficulties and severe life of the people, at the same time allowing you to release steam.

4) It was necessary to provide the working force of the growing economy of the Gulag.
This weak version is too many executions of able-bodied people, while the Gulag could not master new human arrivals.

5) Finally, the version that is widely popular today: there was a threat of war, and Stalin cleared the rear, destroyed the "fifth column."
However, after the death of Stalin, the overwhelming majority of those arrested in 1937-1938 were recognized as innocent.
They were not at all the "fifth column."

My explanation makes it possible to understand not only why this wave was and why it was in 1937-1938.
It also explains well why Stalin and his experience still have not forgotten, but they have not implemented.

"Big Terror" 1937-1938 took place in a period similar to our.
In the USSR, 1933-1945 there was a question about the subject of power.
IN modern history Russia is solved a similar question in 2005-2017.

A subject of power can be either a ruler or elite.
At that time, the sole ruler was to win.

Stalin inherited the party in which this elite existed was the heirs of Lenin, equal to Stalin or even more famous than he himself.
Stalin successfully fought for formal leadership, but he became the undisputed sole ruler after the "Big Terror".
As long as the old leaders are recognized revolutionaries, Lenin's heirs - continued to live and work, preserved prerequisites for challenging Stalin's power as a sole ruler.
"Big Terror" 1937-1938 was a means of destroying the elite and approval of the power of the sole ruler.

Why did the repression touched the crowded people, and not limited to the top?
It is necessary to understand the ideological base, the Marxist paradigm.
Marxism does not recognize single and amateurness of the elite.
In Marxism, any leader expresses the ideas of a class or social group.

What is dangerous peasantry, for example?
It is not at all that it can draw up and arrange a peasant war.
The peasants are dangerous in that they are a small bourgeoisie.
So, will always support and / or nominate political leaders from their environment that will fight against the dictatorship of the proletariat, the authorities of the workers and the Bolsheviks.
Little to eradicate famous leaders with dubious glances.
It is necessary to destroy their social support, the most accounted "hostile elements".
This explains why terror touched ordinary people.

Why in 1937-1938?
Because during the first four years of each period of social reorganization, a basic plan is formed and the leading strength of the social process arises.
This is such a law of cyclic development.

Why do we have it interesting today?
And why do some dream of returning the practice of Stalinism?
Because we have the same process.
But he:
- ends,
- It has opposite vector.

Stalin set his own sole power, actually fulfilling a historical social order, albeit very specific methods, even excessively.
He deprived the elite of subjectivity and approved the only subject of the authorities - the electoral ruler.
Such powerful subjects existed in our Fatherland until Putin.

However, Putin, rather unconsciously, than consciously, fulfilled a new historical social order.
We now have the power of the sole electoral ruler is replaced by the power of the election elite.
In 2008, just on the fourth year of the new period, Putin gave the presidential power to Medvedev.
The sole ruler Desouxitivized, the rulers became at least two.
And it's impossible to return everything back.

Now it is clear why some part of the top dreams of Stalinism?
He does not want to have many leaders, they do not want the collective power, in which you need to look for and find compromises, they want to restore the sole rule.
And this can be done only by unleashing a new "big terror", that is, destroying and leaders of all other groups, from Zyuganov and Zhirinovsky to Navalny, Kasyanov, Yavlinsky and our modern Trotsky - Khodorkovsky (although it is possible, Trotsky new Russia There was still Berezovsky), and in the habit of systemic thinking, their social base, at least some kind of creaklov and protest-opposition intelligentsia).

But nothing will happen.
The current vector of development is the transition to the power of the election elite.
The electoral elite is a state of leaders and power as their interaction.
If someone tries to return the sole power of the election ruler, he will complete his political career almost instantly.
Putin is the only one, the sole ruler sometimes looks, but is definitely not.

Practical stalinism is not and there will be no place in modern social Life Russia.
And that's fine.

After graduating from the Great Patriotic War, Joseph Stalin was not easy to leader than the country, and the real Savior of the Fatherland. Otherwise, how the leader was practically not called it, and the cult of personality in the post-war time reached its apogee. It seemed that the authority of such a scale was not enough, but Stalin himself attached to this hand.

A series of inconsistent reforms and repression gave rise to the term post-war Stalinism, which is actively used by modern historians.

A brief analysis of Stalinist reforms

Stalin's reforms and state actions

The essence of reforms and their consequences

December 1947 - monetary reform

Conducting monetary reform shocked the population of the country. After a fierce war, ordinary people seized all the means and exchanged them at the rate of 10 old rubles per 1 new ruble. Such reforms helped to patch the breaks in the state budget, but for ordinary people caused the loss of recent savings.

August 1945 - A special committee is being created led by Beria, who subsequently engaged in the development of nuclear weapons.

At a meeting with the President Truman, Stalin learned that Western countries were already well prepared in the plan of nuclear weapons. It was 20 August 1945, Stalin laid the foundation for the future arms race, which almost led to the Third World War in the middle of the 20th century.

1946-1948 - ideological campaigns led by Zhdanov to guide the order in the field of art and journalism

Since Stalin's cult has become increasingly obsessive and noticeable, almost immediately after the end of the Great Patriotic War, Stalin instructed Zhdanov to conduct an ideological struggle with those who expressed themselves against Soviet power. After a short break, new cleaning and repression began in the country.

1947-1950 - Agricultural reforms.

The war showed Stalin how important the agricultural sector is in development. That is why, right up to his death, the Secretary-General conducted numerous agricultural reforms. In particular, the country has moved to new system Irrigation, and throughout the USSR, new hydroelectric power plants were built.

Repressions of the post-war time and the tightening of the cult of Stalin

Already mentioned that Stalinism in the post-war years only the crepe, and the general secretary was considered the main hero of the Fatherland. The plantation of such an image of Stalin contributed to the well-working ideological support, and cultural innovations. All films removable and manufactured books glorified the current mode and praised Stalin. Gradually, the number of repression and the volume of censorship increased, but it seems to be, no one noticed.

Stalinist repressions have become a real problem for the country in the mid-30s, and after the end of the Great patriotic War, they found new power. So, in 1948, the famous "Leningrad case" was published, during which many politicians occupying essential positions in the party were arrested. So, for example, the Chairman of the State Distribution of the State University of State University was shot, as well as the secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) of the Kuznetsov. Stalin lost his confidence in his own approximate, and therefore, those who were still considered the main friend yesterday and the companion yesterday secretary-General.

Stalinism in the postwar years has increasingly acquired the dictatorship form. Despite the fact that the people literally manned Stalin, monetary reforms and the newly started repressions, forced people to doubt the authority of the Secretary-General. The first to oppose the existing regime began representatives of the intelligentsia, and therefore, headed by Zhdanov in 1946, cleaning among writers, artists and journalists began.

Stalin himself led the development of the country's military relics to the fore. Development of a plan first atomic bombs allowed the USSR to strengthen the status of the superpower. All over the world, the USSR was afraid, believing that Stalin was able to start the third World War. The iron curtain was increasingly covered by the Soviet Union, and the people were waiting for change me badly.

Changes, even not the best, suddenly come when the leader and hero of the whole country died in 1953. Stalin's death marked the beginning of a completely new stage for the Soviet Union.

In the 20s and ended in 1953. During this period, mass arrests occurred, special camps were created for political prisoners. The exact number of victims of Stalinist repression can not be called no historian. According to the 58th article condemned more than a million people.

The origin of the term

Stalinsky terror touched almost all layers of society. For more than twenty years, Soviet citizens lived in constant fear - one incorrect word or even the gesture could cost life. It is impossible to definitely answer the question of what Stalin's terror was held on. But definitely, the main component of this phenomenon fear.

The word terror translated from Latin is "horror". The method of managing a country based on the suggestion of fear, the rulers used since ancient times. For the Soviet leader, Ivan Grozny served as a historical example. Stalinsky terror is some kind of more modern Official Option.


The acute grandmother of history - so Karl Marx called violence. The German philosopher saw in security, the inviolability of members of society only evil. The idea of \u200b\u200bMarx used Stalin.

The ideological basis of the repression, which began in the 20s, was formulated in July 1928 in the "short-term history of the WCP". At first, Stalin Terror was a class struggle that was supposedly needed to resist overthrown forces. But the repression continued and after all the so-called counter-revolutionaries fell into the camps or were shot. The feature of the Stalinist policy was to complete the non-compliance with the Soviet Constitution.

If, at the beginning of Stalin's repression, state security bodies fought with opponents of the revolution, then by the mid-thirties, arrests began arrests of old communists - people, selflessly loyal party. Simple Soviet citizens were already afraid not only by NKVD employees, but also each other. The infusion became the main tool in the fight against the "enemies of the people."

Stalinist repressions preceded the "Red Terror", which began during the years Civil War. These two political phenomena have many similar features. However, after the end of the Civil War, almost all cases of political crimes were built on the falsification of accusations. With the "red terror" in prisons, they were planted and shot primarily disagree with a new regime, which was quite a lot at the stages of creating a new state.

Lyceum business

Officially, the period of Stalinist repression begins in 1922. But one of the first loud cases refers to the 1925th. It was this year that it was fabricated by the special department of the NKVD case on charges of the counter-revolutionary activities of graduates of the Alexandrovsky lyceum.

February 15, over 150 people were arrested. Not all of them had a relation to the above educational institution. Among the convicts were the former students of the School of Law and Officers of the Life Guard Semenov Regiment. The arrested were accused of promoting international bourgeoisie.

Many were shot in June. 25 people sentenced to various sentences. 29 arrested were sent in reference. Vladimir Schilder - a former teacher - at that time was 70 years old. He died during the investigation. Selection sentenced Nikolai Golitsyn - the last chairman of the Council of Ministers Russian Empire.

Shakhtinsky case

The accusations of the 58th article were ridiculous. Man who does not own foreign languages And never in life did not communicate with a citizen of the Western state, could easily be accused of collusion with American agents. During the investigation, torture was often used. You could only withstand them are the strongest. Often, the trendy signed recognition only to complete an execution that continued sometimes for weeks.

In July 1928, specialists of the coal industry were victims of Stalin's terror. This business was called Shakhtsky. The leaders of the Donbas enterprises were accused of sabotage, hydration, creating an underground counter-revolutionary organization, promoting foreign spies.

On the 20s there were several loud cases. Up to the beginning of the thirties, the delegation continued. The number of victims of Stalinist repressions is impossible to calculate, because no one in those days did carefully statistics. The nineties became available to the archives of the KGB, but even after that, the researchers did not receive comprehensive information. However, individual shotguns were made public, which became a terrible symbol of Stalinist repressions.

Large terror - term that is applied in relation to a small period soviet history. He lasted only two years - from 1937 to 1938. For victims during this period, researchers lead more accurate data. It was arrested 1,548,366 people. Shot - 681 692. It was a struggle with the remains of the capitalist classes. "

Causes of "Big Terror"

In Stalin's times, a doctrine was developed to strengthen the class struggle. It was only a formal reason for the destruction of hundreds of people. Among the victims of Stalin's terror of the 1930s are writers, scientists, military, engineers. Why did you need to get rid of representatives of the intelligentsia, specialists who could benefit the Soviet state? Historians offer various options for answers to these questions.

Among modern researchers there are those who are convinced that the repression of 1937-1938, Stalin had only an indirect attitude. However, the signature is in almost every run-up list, in addition, there are many documentary evidence of its involvement in mass arrests.

Stalin sought sole power. Any relaxation could lead to a real, not fictional conspiracy. One of the foreign historians compared Stalin Terror of the 30s with Jacobin Terror. But if the last phenomenon that took place in France at the end of the XVIII century, assumed the destruction of representatives of a certain social class, then in the USSR, they were arrested and shooting often not related people.

So, the cause of repression was the desire for sole, unconditional power. But I needed the wording, the official substantiation of the need for mass arrests.


On December 1, 1934, Kirov was killed. This event became a formal reason for the killer arrested. According to the results of the investigation, again the fabricated, Leonid Nikolaev acted not independently, but as a participant in the opposition organization. Kirov's killing Stalin subsequently used in the fight against political opponents. Zinoviev, Kamenev and all their supporters were arrested.

Court of Officers of the Red Army

After the murder of Kirov began legal processes over the military. One of the first victims of Big Terror was G. D. Guy. The commander arrested for the phrase "It is necessary to remove Stalin", which he said in a state of alcohol intoxication. It is worth saying that in the middle of the thirties, the inference has reached its apogee. People who worked in the same organization for many years, stopped trusting each other. Donos were written not only to enemies, but also on friends. Not only from mercenary considerations, but also from fear.

In 1937, a lawsuit took place over the Group of Officers of the Red Army. They were accused of anti-Soviet activity and promoting Trotsky, who by that time was already abroad. In the execution list got:

  • Tukhachevsky M. N.
  • Yakir I. E.
  • Sadievich I. P.
  • Eideman R. P.
  • Putna V.K.
  • Primakov V. M.
  • Gamarnik Ya. B.
  • Feldman B. M.

The witch hunt continued. In the hands of NKVD employees, Kamenev's negotiations were recorded with Bukharin - it was discussed to create a "right-left" opposition. In early March 1937, with a report, which stated the need to eliminate Trotskyists.

According to the report of the General Commissioner of the State Security Commission, Bukharin and Rykov planned terror against the leader. In Stalin's terminology, a new term appeared - "Trotsky-Bukharinsky", which means "aimed against the interests of the party."

In addition to the above-mentioned politicians, about 70 people were arrested. 52 shot. Among them were those who were directly involved in the repressions of the 20s. So, the employees of state security and political figures of Yakov Agronom, Alexander Gurevich, Levon Mirzoyan, Vladimir Polonsky, Nikolai Popova and others.

On the "Tucachevsky case" was attracted by Lavrenty Beria, but he managed to survive "cleaning". In 1941 he took the position of the General Commissioner of the State Security. Beria's shot was already after the death of Stalin - in December 1953.

Repressed scientists

In 1937, revolutionaries, political figures became victims of the Stalinsky terror. And the arrests of representatives of completely other social layers began. In the camps sent people who do not have any attitude to politics. What the consequences of Stalinist repressions are easy to guess by reading the lists presented below. "Big Terror" has become a brake in the development of science, culture, art.

Scientists who ended with the victims of Stalin's repression:

  • Matvey Bronstein.
  • Alexander Witt.
  • Hans Gelman.
  • Semyon Shubin.
  • Eugene Perekrain.
  • Innocent Balanovsky.
  • Dmitry Yeropkin.
  • Boris Numerov.
  • Nikolay Vavilov.
  • Sergey Korolev.

Writers and poets

In 1933, Osip Mandelshtam wrote an epigram with an explicit antistali subtext, which was read out by several dozen people. Boris Pasternak called the act of a poet suicide. He was right. Mandelstam was arrested, sent to the link to Cherdyn. There he committed an unsuccessful attempt of suicide, and a little later, with the assistance of Bukharin, he was transferred to Voronezh.

Boris Pilnyak in 1926 wrote a "story of an outstanding moon." The characters of this work fictional, at least, so approves the author in the preface. But everyone who read the story in the 20th, it became clear that it was based on the version of the murder of Mikhail Frunze.

Somehow, the product of Pilnyak hit. But soon it was forbidden. Pilnyak was arrested only in 1937, and before that remained one of the most published prose. The writer's case, like everyone else, was completely fabricated - he was accused of espionage in favor of Japan. Shot in Moscow in 1937.

Other writers and poets exposed to Stalin's repression:

  • Victor Bagrov.
  • Julius Berzin.
  • Pavel Vasilyev.
  • Sergey Klychkov.
  • Vladimir Narbut.
  • Peter Parfenov.
  • Sergey Tretyakov.

It is worth talking about the famous theatrical figure accused of the 58th article and sentenced to the highest punishment.

Vsevolod Meyerhold

The director was arrested at the end of June 1939. In the apartment it was later being searched. A few days later they killed the wife of Meyerhold. The circumstances of her death have not yet been clarified. There is a version that the NKVD officers killed.

Meyerhold was interrogated for three weeks, tortured. He signed everything that investigators demanded. On February 1, 1940 Vsevolod Meyerhold sentenced to shooting. The sentence was performed the next day.

During the war years

In 1941, there was an illusion of cancellation of repression. In Stalin's pre-war times in the camps there was a lot of officers who were now needed at freedom. Together with them, about six hundred thousand people were liberated from the places of imprisonment. But it was temporary reflection. At the end of the forties began a new wave of repression. Now the rows of "enemies of the people" replenished the soldiers and officers who were in captivity.

Amnesty 1953.

On March 5, Stalin died. Three weeks later, the Supreme Council of the USSR issued a decree, according to which a third of the prisoners were subject to liberation. About a million people came to freedom. But the first camp was left not political prisoners, but criminals, which instantly worsened the criminal situation in the country.

Started in 1920 and ended only thirty years later, the Stalinist repressions were part of the long and targeted policy of Joseph Vissarionovich and his environments. Their objects were opponents of the power at that time.

The word "repression" translated from latin language means suppression, punishment applicable by the state and government.

During the reign of Joseph Vissarionovich, the repression was carried out actively, massively and unquestioned. What are the causes of punishments used in the USSR? Stalinist repressions were carried out in accordance with the articles of the Criminal Code, acting at that time. Here are some of their names: terror, espionage, terrorist intentions, sabotage, sabotage, counter-revolutionary sabotage (for refusing to work in the camp, for escape from the place of conclusion), participation in conspiracies, anti-Soviet groups and organizations, agitation against the current government, families Politbanditism and Rebel. However, in order to understand the essence of these articles, you need to familiarize yourself with them.

What are the reasons that caused Stalin's repression?

Disputes on this topic are being conducted to this day. Some historians believe that initially repression pursued only one goal is to eliminate the political opponents of Joseph Vissarionovich. Others believe that they were one of the methods of intimidation and gramp soviet peopleaimed at further strengthening the current government. And some even put forward a fairly dubious version that Soviet Union For the construction of highways and channels, there was a free view, which believes that the Stalinist repressions pursued the anti-Semitic goals.

Who was the initiator of massive conclusions?

Despite the fact that closecoming representatives of Stalin were considered in the main perpetrators of repression: (gene. State Security Security Secretary) and L. Beria (Interior Commissioner), which were allegedly brought to incorrect information, most historian scientists claim that repression is the work of the hands exclusively Joseph Vissarionovich. He was provided with reliable and verified information about future prisoners.

Since 1930, the camp system has been created in the USSR for prisoners, which included special settlements (intended for the people sent to the link), colonies (for imprisonment for at least three years), camp (for the prisoners who have received a fairly long time). A little later, the Bureau was included in this system were engaged in convicts who were sentenced to compulsory work without imprisonment.

Victims of repressions

From the declassified archives, it is known that for counter-revolutionary acts, the number of sentences sentenced to serving by 1954 has numbered 3,777,380 people, while 642,980 prisoners received the highest measure. For the period of repression, more than 1.5 million convicts were killed both in political and criminal articles.

Few victims of Stalinist repressions were rehabilitated during the lifetime of the leader, many were able to achieve this only after his death. The persons who managed (Beria, Ezhov, Berry, etc.) were subsequently convicted. In the perestroika times and the post-Soviet period, practical all the victims from repression were rehabilitated, with the exception of the culprits of mass arrests. The state carried out monetary compensation for the loss of valuable property under the "delaunch", held in the 30 years during forced collectivization.

It is necessary to remember this bitter history of the past and try to do everything so that in the future nothing resembled the period of life of the Soviet people, which can be capable of describing in two words: "Stalin. Repressions.

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