“The World Behind the Scenes is me. The structure of the world behind the scenes

© Bolshakov V.V., 2015

© TD Algorithm LLC, 2015

From the author

The next confrontation between Russia and the United States, in which the European Union countries were involved by Washington, began not with the coup d’etat in Ukraine on February 22, 2014, but much earlier. Now it has become clear even to politically naive people that the Cold War did not end with the collapse of the Soviet Union and that ultimate goal Russia's enemies still remain the implementation of the famous “House Plan” of 1918, which provided for its division into eight colonial-type countries. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, this plan was partially realized. Next up now is Russia. The artificially caused Ukrainian crisis over several years of its development has shown that Kiev statehood has not stood the test of time and is being used by the West as a Trojan horse in the Russian world and as a weapon of genocide of the Russian population in the “Independence” itself.

The documents and facts at my disposal confirm that the reason for the current confrontation with the West was primarily the Kremlin’s refusal after the resignation of the leader of the comprador team of traitors to Russia, B.N., from the post of President of the Russian Federation in 2000. Yeltsin will continue to submit to the dictates of the world behind the scenes. This term, authored by the great Russian philosopher I.A. Ilyin, well known from the works of Russian and foreign conspiracy theorists, is devoid of any mystical flair for me. I use it in this book to refer to the real-life sinister alliance of the richest and most influential oligarchs on the planet, the leaders of world Freemasonry and international Zionism, as well as government, military and political figures serving this alliance, heads of Western intelligence services, leading political scientists and journalists, scientists and developers the most modern military doctrines and weapons systems.

The world behind the scenes these days is emerging from the shadows, no longer hiding its claims to the role of world government. Its think tanks and political clubs operate openly, where plans are being developed for the further concentration of power and authority in the hands of the global financial elite and scenarios for the transformation of humanity into a rootless working herd of its slaves. Of course, the actual essence of these plans is not advertised. They are consistently carried out to the accompaniment of propaganda campaigns in defense of human rights, universal values, democracy and humanism. Tragic fate The Soviet Union, as a result of the collapse of which 25 million Russian people found themselves in a foreign land as second-class citizens, confirms that only fools and politically naive people do not see the true goals of the world behind the scenes behind these “soap operas” promoting “Western values”. It no longer intends to limit its appetites by colonizing individual countries and regions. It's about about claims to the right to rule the whole world, about the enslavement of all humanity. Anyone who refuses to voluntarily wear the slave collar will be destroyed as a warning to others.

This fate is destined not only for individual rebels, but also for entire peoples and states, primarily their leaders. We have seen how this is done in Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya - everywhere where overseas applicants for world domination, causing death and destruction. The disobedient are destroyed in the dungeons of the Hague International Tribunal, like Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic, or brutally, in front of television cameras, as an edification to others - this was the case with the leader of Iraq Saddam Hussein and the leader of Libya Muammar Gaddafi. Nowadays, there is no greater threat to the existing world order and the very future of humanity than that coming from the United States of America, which has repeatedly stained itself with war crimes since the end of World War II. Their claims to world domination are criminal by their very nature and will inevitably fail. But before that happens, a lot more blood may be shed.

The world behind the scenes will not be shy about resources and will try to forcefully break any resistance to its dictatorship. We see in Lately, what powerful pressure is being put on Russia. The reason for this is obvious. While Russian President Vladimir Putin and his team did not openly oppose US hegemony, Washington limited itself to paternalistic instructions to the Kremlin. But as soon as the “Washington regional committee” realized that Russia intended to seriously defend its sovereignty and its national interests, they declared war on its leadership, openly advocating the early removal of Vladimir Putin from power. The introduction of sanctions against Russia and individual officials and companies of the Russian Federation showed, however, that the US operation to overthrow the law elected president Russia is not only personal, but also openly anti-Russian in nature, which US President Barack Obama recognized in his address to Congress in January 2015. He stated, in particular, that Russia, after the introduction of sanctions, allegedly found itself in international isolation and that its economy “was torn to shreds.” Of course, Obama failed to achieve either one. First of all, nothing came of isolating Russia. Nevertheless, US actions in this direction are very dangerous in modern world, stuffed with deadly weapons and means of delivery.

My friends, having learned that I was writing this book, asked me: “Why did you decide to defend Putin?” Indeed, in my last books I did not flatter either Putin personally or his immediate circle. I explain my position to them this way. Firstly, my criticism of Putin has nothing in common with what we hear every day from the “swamp” opposition against him. I still hope that it will not harm, but will benefit Russia, and that my critical statements will still be taken into account and the proper conclusions will be drawn, which, in particular, is what happened in the fight against corruption. Secondly, although I do not agree with famous aphorism Putin ideologist Volodin “Putin is Russia”, all anti-Putin actions of the West are directed not so much against him and his friends, but directly against Russia. Somehow we’ll figure it out ourselves who should be president. We do not need Western help in this regard and will never need it. And interference in our internal affairs from the outside in the Russian people only causes an increase in loyalty towards the authorities and hatred towards our “well-wishers”. It is precisely against such interference, which is unacceptable from the standpoint of both international law, and Russian patriotism, I speak in this book.

Its purpose is to show, on the basis of the sources available to me, that today we are dealing with undisguised aggression on the part of the United States, the most active participant in the global subversive operation of the world behind the scenes against Russia. This book tells how this operation is carried out, who is involved in it.

Hierarchy of power

It doesn't matter to me whose side is strong; What matters is whose side is right.

Victor Hugo

“You can do it feet first...”

There is, perhaps, no such precedent in the history of relations between the United States and Russia. On August 5, 2014, the online magazine American Thinker, popular among the American right, published an article by Herbert E. Meyer, “How to Solve the Putin Problem?” In it, the author gave the following recommendations: “...We must let Russian oligarchs and top managers, against whom Western sanctions are directed, understand that Putin is their problem, not ours. These men may not have the political genius and sublime patriotism of our Founding Fathers, but they are not idiots. Most likely, it will not take them much time to get together for a quiet conversation - for example, in a Moscow office or, more likely, on a yacht somewhere near Cote d'Azur, – in order to... well, let's say, decide what will be best for the future of Russia. Since tact doesn't work with the Russians, the US President and his European counterparts need to send a crystal clear message to these people that we don't care how they handle Putin's problem. If they can convince good old Vladimir to leave the Kremlin with military honors and a ceremonial salute, great. If Putin is too stubborn to understand that his career is over, and he can only be carried out of the Kremlin feet first with a hole in the back of his head, that will suit us too. We will not object to black humor either... For example, when Putin next returns to Moscow after another visit to his Cuban, Venezuelan or Iranian friends, his plane may well be shot down by some dubious rebels, into whose hands the surface-to-air missile.

Herbert E. Meyer is far from an ordinary CIA employee. The Meyer family, very influential in the US business establishment and in the American branch of international Zionism, has long been associated with the CIA. The most famous among these “knights of cloak and dagger” is Cord Meyer, who has worked in US intelligence agencies since the early 1950s. “It was Kord who developed the concept, doctrine and methods of secret operations in the name of the security of the interests of our country. He played an important role in America's fight against Soviet influence,” CIA Director George Tenet said about Cord Meyer's death in March 2011. Meyer joined the Central Intelligence Agency in 1951 and worked there until 1977. Much of his intelligence work is still classified, but it is known that in the early 1970s he was the personal assistant to the director of the CIA and deputy head of the department that develops secret special operations. According to some reports, he was involved in the introduction of CIA agents into international trade union and youth organizations. In addition, Meyer was one of the founders of radio stations "Freedom" and " Free Europe", the main mouthpieces " psychological warfare"and dirty propaganda against the USSR and socialist countries of Eastern Europe.

His close relative - the aforementioned Herbert E. Meyer - inherited Cord Meyer's position, becoming special assistant to the director of the CIA, and then rose to the level of vice chairman of the CIA's National Intelligence Council in the Reagan administration. American Thinker magazine introduces him as "the first person to predict the collapse of the USSR." Let's be clear: he was not the first. This was first stated by the Soviet dissident Amalrik in his book “Will the USSR Survive to 1984?”, and then by a member of the French Academy Helene Carrer d’Encaus in her monograph “The Collapsed Empire” (“L’Empire eclate”). Herbert Meyer was the first in this area, perhaps in the CIA. He became one of the main developers of the operation to collapse the USSR, launched by order of President Reagan in the early 80s. It was Meyer who prepared a report on the “reference points” of the “Soviet empire”, that is, on vulnerabilities on which he recommended putting increased pressure in order to achieve paralysis Soviet system and the entire socialist community. Particular attention was paid to the actions of American agents in socialist countries and agents of Western influence who penetrated the highest echelons of power in these countries. Meyer's report delighted his immediate superior, then-CIA Director William Casey. With this report, W. Casey arrived on March 26, 1981 to US President Ronald Reagan, along with regularly presented The White house a selection of spy data about the situation “in the enemy’s camp.” In keeping with Meyer's development, he told Reagan the following. The USSR found itself in a very difficult situation: there was an uprising in Poland, the Russians were stuck in Afghanistan, they had a lot of problems in Cuba, Angola and Vietnam. Casey convinced Reagan that there was no better time to begin the operation to collapse the USSR. The President agreed, and Casey began preparing his proposals. On the same day, Reagan made the following entry in his diary: “The USSR is in a very bad situation, if we refrain from loans, they will ask others for help, because otherwise they will starve.” The next day Reagan created working group to lead operations to collapse the USSR. Ten years later, our state ceased to exist. Russia was thrown back to the borders of the times of Peter the Great. 25 million Russian people found themselves abroad in the position of second-class citizens or, as in the Baltic states, “non-citizens.”

Ordered to destroy... USSR

To imagine Reagan, a former supporting actor with very low intelligence, as some kind of “Messiah who saved the world from communism” is, to say the least, ridiculous. When students asked him years later what was the benefit of being president, he replied, “I could have ordered the FBI to keep my high school grades highly classified.” Although this is said with an attempt at humor, it is a fact that Reagan did not shine either at school or at university, and his passion for American football with frequent head injuries did not contribute to his development.

The world behind the scenes needed such an idiot in the White House, who could be manipulated without hindrance. A suitable partner for the upcoming dismantling of communism - Mikhail Gorbachev - was being prepared for him at that time in the Soviet Union.

Strong that world, aiming for world domination, placed their people around Reagan. In his “working group”, which led covert operations against the USSR, in addition to Reagan himself, included CIA chief William Casey, US Vice President George H. W. Bush, former director of the CIA and chairman of the Council on international relations, as well as US Secretary of Defense Caspar Willard Weinberger (1917–2006), who came from a family of German Jewish converts. And of course, Herbert Meyer.

They were given the global task of revising the previous agreements of the three great powers: the Soviet Union, the USA and Great Britain - agreements reached during the Yalta (Crimean) Conference (February 4-11, 1945), according to which, after the defeat of Nazi Germany and the militaristic A new world order was created in Japan. In Yalta, zones of influence of the United States and its allies and the Soviet Union were then determined, clear demarcation lines were drawn, crossing which was prohibited under fear of a retaliatory strike with the full might of the state whose empire was encroached upon. For Ronald Reagan, the Yalta agreements, which he did not recognize, were tantamount to betrayal national interests USA. It is known that before Gorbachev came to power, he did not want to conduct any negotiations with the USSR without denouncing Yalta. US President George W. Bush also began revising the agreements reached by the Big Three in 1945. During his visit to Latvia in May 2005, he stated that Soviet dominance in Eastern Europe was "one of the greatest mistakes of history." As the Los Angeles Times wrote, he “compared the results of the 1945 Yalta meeting between Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin with the pact concluded between Hitler and Stalin, which caused an uproar in the United States itself.” But in Latvia for this he was awarded on the same day, May 3, 2005, the Grand Cross of the Order of Three Stars. Bush's speech was also warmly welcomed by the American right, which to this day argue that at the Yalta Conference Roosevelt “surrendered” Eastern Europe, thereby providing the USSR with the opportunity to establish a sphere of its undivided influence in this region. "One of components The theory that the right developed in those years, writes the Los Angeles Times, was that Roosevelt's adviser at the Crimea Conference, Alger Hiss, played an important role in organizing a conspiracy between Roosevelt and Stalin against Churchill. " A conspiracy theory is associated with the name of Hiss, according to which in 1944–1945, at the United Nations conferences in Dumbarton Oaks and San Francisco, under the patronage of the future US Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, the Molotov-Hiss Pact was agreed upon, which envisaged an unofficial division of the world between the two superpowers and prohibiting Washington from interfering in the internal affairs of the USSR. During the McCarthy era, Hiss, following a denunciation by one of the novice members of the Commission on Un-American Activities, future US President Richard Nixon, was even convicted of spying for the USSR. “The historical truth,” writes the Los Angeles Times, “is that neither in 1944 nor at the Yalta Conference in Crimea was a decision made to hand over Eastern Europe to the Russians. It was actually in their hands by the end of 1944, and long before that, with the conclusion of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in 1939, the territory of Poland was halved, and the entire Baltic region went to the Soviet Union.”

The Yalta world order in its original form did not last long, however. Already on April 4, 1949, the United States created the military-political bloc NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), which united most European countries, the USA and Canada in order to “protect Europe from Soviet influence.” Then 12 countries became NATO member states: the USA, Canada, Iceland, Great Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Norway, Denmark, Italy and Portugal. After the collapse of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact, NATO’s membership expanded significantly - by the beginning of 2016, this bloc included 28 countries. The military expenditures of all NATO members together account for more than 70 percent of the global total. As is known, the USSR perceived the creation of the bloc in 1949 as a threat to its own security. In 1954 in Berlin, at a meeting of the foreign ministers of the United States, Great Britain, France and the USSR, Soviet representatives were assured that NATO was a purely defensive organization to... repel the “Soviet threat.” Despite direct NATO aggression against Yugoslavia and Libya, they are still trying to pass it off as such. Yes, according to Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen's NATO, the organization “was created to defend Europe from Soviet invasion” (Rasmussen, 2014). Allegedly!

Let me remind you that on March 31, 1954, the USSR sent a note with a proposal to consider “together with interested governments the question of the USSR’s participation in the North Atlantic Treaty.” Moscow responded to this initiative with a decisive refusal. In reply Soviet Union formed a military bloc of socialist countries, which was secured in 1955 by the Warsaw Pact. De facto, despite the confrontation between the two blocs, the bipolar world created in Yalta and the division of Europe into “East” and “West” survived until the end of the 1980s. But all this time the United States has been making attempts to disrupt the Yalta status quo.

Audit of Yalta

It is no coincidence that the dismantling of the Yalta Peace began simultaneously with the operation to dismantle communism. It was the United States that was the first to act as a “revisionist state,” blowing up the post-war world, which led to the largest geopolitical catastrophe - the liquidation of the USSR and the entire “Soviet empire.”

The concept of "revisionist states" emerged shortly after World War II. This term was invented by the creator of the “Transition of Power” theory, A.F.K. Organsky, American geopolitician, author of the book “ Global politics" This theory was later developed by E.R. Wittkopf (1997) and Ronald L. Tammen (2000). Organsky, in his theory of the transition of power, proceeded from the fact that the degree of power of states and their power in the world is determined by the cyclical nature of wars, which explode the world order every 20–30 years. In the modern world, according to his theory, world order is based on a hierarchy of power. In this hierarchy, he identifies four levels of state power, which characterize their ability to conduct politics from a position of strength. The best illustration of Organsky’s theory is the existing world order based on the agreements of the three great powers in Yalta in 1945.

How can such an order be disrupted and destroyed? According to Organsky's theory, there are many weak and only a few strong states in the world. The most powerful states are classified as “dominant powers” ​​or “hegemons”.

TO dominant Organsky classifies states with to the greatest extent concentration of power resources (population, territory, natural resources, armed forces, share in the world economy, production volume, popular cohesion and political stability). Nowadays, such a state is called a “superpower”, and in a unipolar world – a hyperpower. Before " cold war"such terms were not used.

"Great powers"- this is a collection of potential rivals of the dominant power, who together with it maintain the world order, that is, the entire system of hierarchy of power and control over the distribution of resources. Typically, great powers extend their power beyond their geographic region.

"Middle Powers" have the same characteristics as the “dominant” ones, but within their own region. They are unable to challenge either the dominant power or the established system.

"Small Powers"– remnants of nation states that have little power within their geographic regions and little influence beyond them.

Dominant states, or “hegemons,” being interested in maintaining the status quo of this system, use their power to create the necessary political and economic structures, as well as norms of behavior in order to ensure the stability of the existing system and generally accepted rules of the game.

An operative who sends someone to prison for an “extremist repost” will never know that he sent to the bunk the very person who was supposed to save his child in a road accident six months later.

So, there is nothing worse for the country and the people than highly moral people occupying the highest positions of the country. There are many reasons for this. But the main thing is that any higher official According to the position, one is required to perform actions that are not at all highly moral, but quite the opposite. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to avoid this, simply because the highest government deeply immoral by nature

Logic dictates that smart people should be at the top of the hierarchical ladder, fools at the bottom, and those who are neither fish nor fowl should hang out somewhere in the middle. However, everyone knows that this is not so

That's why Trump. But that’s exactly why. And not just Trump. Look who's being elected now different countries and who will soon be elected in the European elections, and you will understand everything yourself without my detailed explanations.

Remember at the beginning of the series, I warned that the chronological scale of the World Behind the Scenes differs from yours, not quantitatively, but qualitatively, and I promised to “somehow” tell you about it. This “somehow” has come

I have already written in previous essays how difficult it is to find a good wingman, and therefore we engaged in selective breeding and eugenics, developing through artificial selection the genetic lines of people most suitable for the function of monarchs. This is how “royal houses” and “ruling dynasties” arose.

Somewhere there are stored the lives of all people, born and unborn, living now or not living, in all possible options, lived and not lived, happened and did not happen. This is you now, in this life - a representative of the office plankton, bullied by your wife and offended by your boss. And there, in the depths of Pi, there is a version of your life when you are the winner of eight Nobel Prizes and the most authoritative person on Earth.

Recently, one of my Cypriot partners said to me, seemingly jokingly, but with noticeable tension in his voice: “It’s dangerous to deal with you. I took a look at your bio. Almost all the companies you dealt with failed miserably. You'd think you were under the curse of the destroyer."

Many people think that the world behind the scenes simply “rules” our world in the same way as if it were some kind of “world government”: they decided that it was necessary to start a war, gave an order - and the war begins.

We may make a mistake in some of our actions, and as a result, a million people will die. We can make no mistakes and as a result, no one will die. But in both the first and second cases, civilization will be preserved. And if we had not taken any action, she would have died.

Field Marshal Burchard-Christoph Munnich is credited with the following words spoken three centuries ago: “Russia is ruled directly by the Lord God. Otherwise, it is impossible to imagine how this state still exists.”

The world's Behind the Scenes can be likened to a surgeon who breaks a patient's leg in order to correct an orthopedic defect using the Illizarov apparatus. The patient experiences great inconvenience from the device and consoles himself with the thought that when the device is removed, he will be able to walk without limping, run and jump over puddles. And so the device is removed and the former patient runs, jumps over a puddle, and lands directly on a stretcher in which he is being dragged to an operation to replace a heart valve, the defect of which became noticeable only when the patient began to run.

The World Behind the Scenes provides its followers with good resources and opportunities, helping them achieve success and influence in the world. In order to understand who they are, our wingmen, just look at the TV, they are flickering there all the time.

It will probably be easiest for me to explain what happened in those days if I say that the situation that arose then was similar to the one that Isaac Asimov described in his series of novels “Foundation” (by the way, be sure to read it if you are not have done so far). And just like in Asimov’s novels, two “foundations” were created then. The first is open, and the second is secret. The first, which was a cultural-religious-scientific center, self-destructed in the chaos of the subsequent troubled eras; all that remained of it was an indistinct memory in the form of the legend of Shambhala.

A significant part of the Richest and Influential People are just proteges of the World Behind the Scenes, working under its control and in its interests. Moreover, it was the World Behind the Scenes that made them rich and influential. But they themselves are not its members. They are just puppets in her hands, and some of them don’t even know that they are puppets.

I actually thought for a long time whether to write or not to write about this. Then I made a decision: troubled times are coming, and it is important that you understand why all this is happening, the very essence of these processes. And without mentioning the world behind the scenes, I cannot explain this essence

Secret ways of destroying and eliminating social initiatives that are objectionable or have become unnecessary to the “world behind the scenes” Over many centuries, the “world behind the scenes” have developed and perfected methods of eliminating public organizations and movements various forms activities (including parties) that are unacceptable to them due to the life ideals that these parties bring to the masses, and therefore dangerous for the “behind the scenes”, or which fulfilled their task at a certain historical stage and interfere with the “behind the scenes” for one reason or another reasons.

This applies to both movements organized in certain structures and unorganized masses of people who become interested and carried away by any idea of ​​great social significance. This applies to both secular ideologies and religious knowledge, beliefs and cults.

“Behind the Scenes” monitors the emergence of such ideologies, knowledge, organizations based on them around the world, after which it carefully studies their essence, content and evaluates them from the point of view of safety for the system of ideals and life values ​​that the “behind the scenes” implants in humanity, that is essentially evaluates it from the perspective of the biblical concept of stewardship.

If the “new” teaching fits into the system of ideals “behind the scenes”, that is, into the biblical concept, then the “behind the scenes” either simply does not interfere with its development and formation, or corrects this teaching and its forms of activity from the point of view of achieving an increase in their effectiveness in maintaining ideals of the biblical concept and forms of its existence.

But if the new teaching does not fit into the system of ideals and forms of implementation of the biblical concept, then “behind the scenes” takes “appropriate measures” in order to eliminate even possible danger for the system they created, carried both by this new knowledge itself and by the organization based on it, if one has been created or is even just being created. Readers can learn more about all this in one of KOB’s works, which is called “On imitation and provocative activities.” This work can also be found on the website kre.ru. And in this book, only theses will be given in a concise form about the main forms and methods of work “behind the scenes” to eliminate the dangers to the existence of the biblical system, the dangers that can or are borne by new ideologies and organizations created on the basis of these ideologies and knowledge.

1. Pervert the meaning of the new teaching and make it work for the biblical concept.

This is considered “aerobatics” behind the scenes. “Behind the Scenes” understands well that new information that has appeared in society cannot be completely eliminated. But it can be lied to, distorted and adjusted to suit one’s interests and objectives.

A striking example of this is the perversion of the teachings of Jesus Christ by the agent of the Sanhedrin, the Apostle Paul-Saul. L. N. Tolstoy, in his article “Why Christian nations and the Russian people in particular are in such a disastrous situation,” convincingly exposed and showed this perversion. For this he was excommunicated from the Russian Orthodox Church by its highest hierarchs. There are a number of works in KOB about this perversion.

2. Talk about the meaning of the new teaching.

It is used when it is not possible to distort the meaning, the essence of the new teaching. Then the main provisions of the new teaching are omitted and hushed up, and secondary, non-main provisions that do not threaten the biblical concept as a whole are brought to the fore. This can be either one secondary position or several. This “protrusion” of secondary things into the first place is followed by their inscription into the system of the biblical concept. This is achieved by chatter at round tables, conferences, debates, etc., organized and controlled “behind the scenes”. events.

3. To crush the new teaching with interference.

It is used in parallel with chattering away the meaning. With the advent of a new teaching that is dangerous for the “behind the scenes,” a whole host of other “interesting” and “enticing” teachings appear (“out of nowhere”) on topics similar to those of the teaching that is dangerous for the “behind the scenes.” In this case, seekers and thinking people spend time studying these deceptive teachings, get carried away by them, after which it is very difficult to “translate them onto the right tracks.”

In radio engineering, strong interference is specially created so that those who need to find the weak signal they need cannot “catch” this weak signal against the background of strong interference. This interference is created by special radio devices called “jammers.” Such suppressors in the field of ideology in our time are many “spiritual” teachings, all kinds of parties without serious ideologies and programs, and, of course, specially trained agents of influence, as well as “agents-fools” who act on their own initiative due to envy and ambition and so on. bad personal qualities.

4. Cause people to reject the new teaching or intimidate people by saying that they have a positive attitude towards this teaching and are members of an organization created on the basis of this teaching.

It is used when it is not possible to implement the first three points described above, or is applied in parallel to these three points. Goal: to prevent people in advance from learning new knowledge and even trying to understand it, as well as to prevent those who are imbued with a new ideology from joining the ranks of an organization created on the basis of this ideology. This is achieved in the simplest cases by outright lies, “rumors” both about people who carry new information, and this new information itself. More sophisticated methods involve intimidation by intelligence services, dismissal from work, bullying of family members, etc. fears. But! The Forbidden fruit is sweet!

5. Lead an organization created on the basis of a new teaching, and first lead it away from solving the main problems, direct the organization onto the wrong path, and then destroy it ideologically, morally, materially, etc. ways so that it would cease to exist altogether and discredit itself.

It is used when it is not possible to implement all of the above. Achieved through the introduction of trained infiltrator agents.

6. Sow discord among the bearers and disseminators of the new teaching, among leaders in the center and in the regions engaged in creating organizations on the basis of the new teaching.

It is achieved by introducing lies, gossip, and rumors into the organization in order to create an atmosphere of squabbles and quarrels. The injection of lies and gossip into an organization being created (or into an already created one) can be carried out both from the outside and through the introduction of specially trained infiltrator agents.

From the outside, such information of lies and gossip is also spread by trained agents. They do this through members of the organization, whom they identify by certain characteristic features. And these signs are one or another “human weaknesses”: thirst for power, career, hostility towards someone, envy, etc.

7. Discrediting the leaders who carried out both the dissemination of the new teaching and the creation of an organization based on this teaching.

It is also achieved by spreading rumors and gossip in order to “throw mud at” the leader, arouse hostility towards him and deprive him of his authority among his comrades. This is carried out both by agents, misdirected agents, and by ambitious “associates” on their own initiative.

This discreditation is followed by the introduction of a new leader in accordance with clause 5.

8.Psychological elimination of the leader.

Used when step 7 fails. Then a targeted psychological influence is exerted on the leader by creating certain life circumstances that “break” the leader and force him to independently either leave completely or move away from his previous active work and only “indicate” activity, thereby practically becoming an imitator. It is also possible that the leader is “broken” to such an extent that he can become a provocateur, i.e. agent of influence.

Specific methods of psychological elimination can be very diverse: bribery, blackmail, intimidation, influence through family and friends, etc.

Such an impact can be exerted not only on one leader, but also on his close comrades in theoretical, ideological and practical work.

9. Physical removal of the leader.

Used as a last resort when all the methods described above fail. The fact is that the “globalizers,” based on the experience accumulated over centuries, know very well that the murdered leader, in the eyes of his comrades and subsequent adherents of the doctrine, for many years, and even centuries, becomes a martyr who suffered for a just cause, becomes a kind of banner, unwavering an authority from which his followers should take their example. From a behind-the-scenes point of view, it is much more effective and expedient to discredit the leader.

Specific methods of physical elimination can also be very different: from an “accident” to a “control” shot in the head.

10. Complete silencing of everything related to the new ideology, its spread and the creation of organizational structures.

This is done when all the methods described above fail.

Here the calculation is that since no one in society talks about this teaching, it means that it is so insignificant that there is no point in delving into the non-goyim. The expectation is that “they’ll talk and talk and everything will die out on its own.” IN modern conditions Television is of great importance in solving this problem. In our country it is completely controlled by the “forces of the West.”

But again: the forbidden fruit is sweet!

In essence, silence is the ostrich-like attitude of burying your head in the sand while everything else is in plain sight. It is impossible to endlessly suppress a new teaching. It is even more impossible to do this in our modern society, in which there is the Internet and the Law of Time operates.

Here, dear readers, the main methods of action “behind the scenes” to destroy objectionable ideologies and parties have been revealed to you. Of course, there are also very specific special methods that take into account the specific current situation. However, all specific special measures in one way or another include all of the above 10 points.

"Forewarned is forearmed". The above-mentioned work “On Imitation and Provocative Activities” provided us with great assistance in reflecting all these methods. Knowing the methods of work “behind the scenes” to destroy party ideologies, you can successfully resist them. This we have proven in our practical work, although we made a number of mistakes and errors due to lack of experience. And the enemy, it must be admitted, is “cunning and insidious.”

From the editor : Before publishing an interesting and important article by our regular author, analyst Vladimir Alexandrovich SURIN some clarifications need to be made. The author named his article quite provocatively, setting the task of creating a “pro-Russian world behind the scenes,” and even announced its appearance. From a technology point of view, everything is impeccable - an article with a similar title will be read. But on the merits, objections cannot but arise. The term “world behind the scenes” was proposed, if I’m not mistaken, by Ivan Ilyin to designate those shadow structures that try and influence world processes. Of course, a lot of all sorts of conspiracy nonsense has been written about this very behind the scenes in recent decades, however, today we know what the world behind the scenes is in reality. This includes the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Club, the Trilateral Commission, as well as other Masonic and para-Masonic structures. All these organizations are deeply hostile to Russia, therefore, in principle, a pro-Russian world behind the scenes cannot arise.

Another idea of ​​the author, which is to propose the idea of ​​the United States of Russia as a model of integration, also raises doubts. Still, the future unified state consisting of Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus cannot be called the States, but rather a Union, not Soviet, of course, but Slavic or, perhaps, Russian.

However, this is not what Vladimir Surin’s article is about. Its main message is how to use Internet technologies to destroy NATO and stop the expansion of the West. The author encourages the reader to think about this. And not only think, but also act.

Russia's role

What is Russia, what place is assigned to it by the World Behind the Scenes, and all that jazz.

Field Marshal Burchard-Christoph Munnich is credited with the following words spoken three centuries ago: “Russia is ruled directly by the Lord God. Otherwise, it is impossible to imagine how this state still exists.”

Minich was an intelligent, educated and observant man, he noticed what few notice: such public education how the Russian Empire cannot exist in principle. But – it exists!

Of course, the Lord God is not involved here. Russia was created by the World Behind the Scenes, and although it is not directly controlled by it, it is looked after hourly and every minute, because without such care, Russia will very quickly decline, fall apart and cease to exist. Just like before it, all the countries that were once located on this territory disappeared: Scythia, Asian Sarmatia, Khazaria, the White and Blue Hordes...

Behind the scenes, Russia was created in the 18th century for one single purpose, so that life would not seem like honey to neighboring peoples.

I know that many, having read my previous essays, decided that the main task of the World Behind the Scenes is caring for the well-being of humanity. This is wrong. The task of the World Behind the Scenes is to ensure the progressive development and preservation of human civilization. And this task directly contradicts concern for well-being. Either development and preservation, or well-being. There is no third.

In the 70-80s of the 20th century, the World Behind the Scenes initiated a series of shocking demonstration experiments, the purpose of which was to show humanity what universal well-being leads to. The most interesting one is “ Universe-25" Read it, the text is short and interesting. It was precisely under this scenario that one of the civilizations that preceded your current one perished.

To prevent this from happening again, there must be destabilizing elements in the world that prevent the onset of general causeless well-being. Such elements are scattered throughout the territory globe and work locally. But there is also a center of destabilization that works for the whole world. It's Russia.

I will not explain now how and why, I will do this later in separate essays, but for now take it on faith that the territory from the Black Sea to southern Urals, and further north, has some specific features that make it ideal for placing a center of destabilization here.

It was from here, from this region, that troubles always struck the world, be it plague epidemics or raids by the Huns, Khazars, Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, Turks, Rumyantsev and Suvorov, and Zhukov and Pavlovsky. It was here that states, quasi-states and others were created by the World Behind the Scenes similar formations, the main and sometimes only purpose of which was to perform two functions: to emit a threat that keeps the whole world in suspense and to serve as a negative example, causing disgust and clearly showing what not to strive for (Like how it is described in Simak’s story “Bad Example” ). A huge number of large, very powerful states appeared in this territory, replacing each other. But none of them left anything in human memory except their name and made no contribution to human civilization. The same fate awaits Russia.

Russian empire was created by the World Behind the Scenes in the 18th century to replace the Horde and Ottoman centers of destabilization, which by that time had become normal countries and ceased to perform their destabilizing functions. They were disconnected from the World Zauulis (after which their decline immediately began), but Russia was created and connected. It turned out well, but not for long.

I will not go into the reasons now, how and why everything happened this way, this needs to be told in detail, and then someday I will devote separate essays to this. I will only say that in the middle of the 20th century, the Russian Empire (then called the USSR) spontaneously disconnected from the World Behind the Scenes and began to create its own centers of destabilization to solve its own problems. It was the USSR that created a wave of crises in Latin America and a wave of Islamic terrorism that swept the world.

The trouble is that these “own centers of destabilization” that the USSR began to produce were impossible to control.

Then we managed to solve this problem relatively easily by simply liquidating the USSR, separating Russia from it and again, separately, connecting it to the World Behind the Scenes. And again, it turned out well, but again not for long. History repeated itself. Russia began to repeat in detail the actions of the USSR - Lucky Syndrome. I already mentioned the “Lucky Syndrome” in the fourth essay before last. Unfortunately, it affects not only people, but also entire countries connected to the World Behind the Scenes. The only way to treat “Lucky Syndrome” in a person is either his physical elimination, or, what is often worse than death, “Freezing” - the elimination of any opportunities for him to realize any of his intentions. The only way to cure the “Lucky Syndrome” of an entire country is to liquidate the country itself.

The world behind the scenes is unlikely to make another attempt to reincarnate Russia after it is liquidated; all attempts to resuscitate it have been exhausted.

Now the Russian leadership does not have a “Mandate of God” to govern the country.

I won’t describe what it is now, I promise to do that later. The term “Mandate of God” arose historically, when people still believed that any power stems from God. Of course, God has nothing to do with it, God’s Mandate is a kind of “permission” that connects an ordinary mortal person (even a “Wedman”) to the World Zaulis and allows us, through his will, to decide the destinies of entire nations.

Democratic societies, where the government of the country is strictly collegial, do not need the Mandate of God; it belongs to the people of the country by default. But an attempt to implement a dictatorship or any other autocracy without such a Mandate is a terrible crime against the Universe. Retribution always follows immediately, and can be very terrible, sometimes not only for this person, but for the entire country.

Revocation of the “Mandate of God” is an extreme, most extreme degree of punishment on the part of the World Behind the Scenes and is used incredibly rarely. Suffice it to say that even Hitler retained this Mandate until his death. And the most recent case when this measure was applied in Europe happened seven centuries ago, in France, when the Mandate of God was immediately revoked from the senior and junior branches of the Capetian dynasty. Then it ended with the Hundred Years' War and the death of 70% of the French population. France would have ceased to exist altogether if the Righteous One had not appeared - Joan of Arc. But the Righteous, alas, come even less often than the Mandate of God is revoked.

I don’t know whether the Righteous One will appear to save Russia, but I would strongly advise those who now live between Smolensk and Irtysh to move to some other region in advance, while there is still such an opportunity. According to the ancient tradition, which existed even before Sodom and Gomorrah, every “dissenter” living in this territory will be given a chance and given the means and opportunities to leave it. But whether he wants to see this chance and take advantage of it depends only on himself.

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