Social science global problems of humanity briefly. Problems of modern society: what will be the consequences? Test your knowledge

Global problems - this is a set of acute planetary problems that affect the vital interests of all humanity and require coordinated international action to be resolved.

Features of global problems: 1) They have a planetary, global character, affecting the interests of all peoples of the world. 2) They threaten degradation and death of all humanity. 3) They need urgent and effective solutions. 4) They require collective efforts of all states, joint actions of peoples.

Causes of global problems

Global problems are generated uneven development of world civilization:

firstly, technical power has surpassed the achieved level of social organization and threatens to destroy all living things;

secondly, political thinking has fallen behind political reality and can no longer effectively manage it;

thirdly, the motivations for the activities of the prevailing mass of people, their moral values ​​are very far from the social, environmental and demographic imperatives (general moral prescription) of the era;

fourthly, Western countries are ahead of the rest of the world in the economic, social, scientific and technical fields, which leads to the flow of basic resources to them.

Types of global problems (by type of social relations):

1. Man’s relationship with nature gives rise to natural-social global problems: environment, lack of resources, energy, lack of food.

The peculiarity of modernity is that in order to continue its history, man needs to learn to coordinate his global activities with the needs of nature.

2. Relations between people in society, that is, social relations led to the emergence social global problems: peace and disarmament, world socio-economic development, overcoming the backwardness of poor countries.

3. The relationship between man and society gave rise to anthroposocial global problems: population growth, scientific and technological progress, education and culture, healthcare.

  1. Human socialization: meaning in human life, periods of socialization, main factors.

Man is a social being. From the first days of his existence, he is surrounded by his own kind, included in various kinds of social interactions. A person acquires his first experience of social communication even before he begins to speak. Being a part of society, a person acquires a certain subjective experience, which becomes an integral part of the personality. Socialization is the process and result of the assimilation and subsequent active reproduction of social experience by an individual. The process of socialization is inextricably linked with communication and joint activities of people.

Stages of socialization.

In any society, human socialization has characteristics at various stages. In the most general form, the stages of socialization can be correlated with the age periodization of a person’s life. There are different periodizations, and the one given below is not generally accepted. It is very conventional (especially after the stage of adolescence), but quite convenient from a socio-pedagogical point of view.

A person in the process of socialization goes through the following stages: infancy (from birth to 1 year), early childhood (1-3 years), preschool childhood (3-6 years), junior school age (6-10 years), junior adolescence (10- 12 years), senior adolescence (12-14 years), early youth (15-17 years), youth (18-23 years), youth (23-30 years), early maturity (30-40 years), late maturity (40-55 years), old age (55-65 years), old age (65-70 years), longevity (over 70 years).

Factors of socialization.

Socialization takes place in the interaction of children, adolescents, and young men with a huge number of different conditions that more or less actively influence their development. These conditions affecting a person are usually called factors. In fact, not all of them have been identified, and of the known ones, not all have been studied. Knowledge about the factors that were studied is very uneven: quite a lot is known about some, little is known about others, and very little is known about others. More or less studied conditions or factors of socialization can be conditionally combined into four groups.

The first is megafactors, (mega - very large, universal) - space, planet, world, which to one degree or another through other groups of factors influence the socialization of all inhabitants of the Earth.

The second is macro factors (macro - large) - country, ethnicity, society, state, which influence the socialization of everyone living in certain countries (this influence is mediated by two other groups of factors)

The third is mesofactors (meso - average, intermediate), conditions for the socialization of large groups of people, distinguished: by the area and type of settlement in which they live (region, village, town, town); by belonging to the audience of certain mass communication networks (radio, television, etc.); according to belonging to certain subcultures. Mesofactors influence human socialization both directly and indirectly through the fourth group - microfactors. These include factors that directly influence specific people who interact with them - family and home, neighborhood, peer groups, educational organizations, various public state, religious, private organizations, microsociety.

OR 31. Human socialization

The process of formation of personality in society, i.e. the process of formation of the social “I” of the individual, is called socialization. There can be no individual outside of society, outside of social communication.

Socialization is usually understood as the assimilation by an individual of accumulated social experience and culture, as a result of which his “suitability” for life in society is ensured.

Socialization is a very important process, without which an individual would not be “fit” for life in society. Socialization not only gives people the opportunity to communicate with each other and find their place in society, but also ensures the preservation of the integrity of society.

Socialization of the individual thus covers the main stages life cycle person: childhood, youth, maturity, old age. At each stage of life, socialization has its own characteristics: it is carried out more intensively at a young age, and in old age its intensity decreases. (He also talked about seven-year periods of life, but I don’t remember anything, if anyone has, please add).

English sociologist Anthony Giddens identifies the following means of socialization:

1. Family. With any type of culture, it is in the family that parents pass on to the child the experience and culture they have acquired in the process of their own socialization.

2. “Groups of equals.” Any individual needs a group of people among whom he feels like an “equal among equals.” These are, as a rule, peers, friends of the same age, among whom the individual learns norms, rules and patterns of behavior. Peers act as mediators in the process of transition from childhood to adulthood.

3. School, education system. They direct socialization in accordance with the goals of society, and not only instill new knowledge.

4. Labor. This is the most important means of socialization, during which the individual begins to meet the requirements of society.

5. Church. In the past, it determined and directed socialization and contributed to the formation of the value core of the individual. Today, its role in the socialization process has changed somewhat, but in many countries it still remains significant.

6. Media. In modern society, their importance is difficult to overestimate. They “set” patterns and style of behavior, especially for young people, and influence the formation of the value core of the individual.

It is necessary to distinguish from socialization:

Adaptation is a time-limited process of adaptation to new conditions;

Education is a targeted impact on the spiritual sphere and behavior of individuals;

Training, education – acquisition of new knowledge and skills;

Growing up is the sociopsychological development of a person in a narrow age range (approximately from 10 to 20 years).

Socialization is not reduced to any of the processes listed above, and at the same time they are included in the socialization process as elements.

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1.18. Threats of the 21st century (global problems)

Globalization – the process of integration of states and peoples in different fields of activity, during which the mutual influence and interdependence of peoples and states increases. By challenges and threats, researchers understand a set of problems that befall people in a certain era and are the difference of this era.


1. Nature: environmental and man-made disasters, environmental pollution with harmful emissions, problems of population growth.

2. People's health: spread of drugs, AIDS. IN last years These problems are becoming one of the leading national threats for our country. In addition to the danger to physical health, the threat to spiritual health is increasing; The level of culture is rapidly falling, commercialization is taking place, high art is being replaced by cheap stamps and fakes.

3. Stable development of society: hunger, poverty, illiteracy, unemployment. These troubles are increasingly affecting underdeveloped countries, the “global south.”

4. Wars and terrorism.

Global problems (the term appeared in the late 1960s) a set of problems that humanity faced in the second half of the 20th century. and on the solution of which social progress and the existence of civilization depend.

Attitude of scientists to global problems

1. Absolutization of global problems and fatalism, which boils down to the opinion that it is impossible to solve global problems, preaching the ideas of catastrophism and the inevitability of the death of humanity.

2. Complete denial of the existence of global problems and recognition of only local problems.

Criteria for identifying global problems

– their widespread distribution, affecting humanity as a whole;

– manifest themselves as an objective factor in the development of society;

– failure to resolve these problems can lead to the death of all humanity;

– they can only be resolved through the joint efforts of humanity, i.e. they cannot be completely resolved within the framework of a single state or region.

Causes of global problems: the active transformative nature of human activity; spontaneity, inhumanity, injustice in society; exploitation of countries lagging behind in economic development, pursuit of current profits and benefits; the predominance of spontaneity in the management of natural and social processes; consumer attitude not only to nature, but also to people in conditions market economy; technocratic approach to the detriment of the long-term interests of society as a whole.

Classification of global problems of our time

1. Intersocial problems - problems of war and peace, socio-economic problems, problems of overcoming the backwardness of certain countries, etc.

2. Problems of the “person-society” system - healthcare, population, education, computerization and scientific and technological progress, human development and his future.

3. Problems of the “nature-society” system – resources, energy, food, environment.

Main (priority) global problems: the problem of peace and disarmament, preventing a new world war, demographic, overcoming the backwardness of developing countries, food, raw materials, energy, environmental, use of the World Ocean and space exploration, social, political and economic problems.

Ecological problems are currently of paramount importance for humanity. Environmental problems include such problems as the greenhouse effect, ozone holes, forest destruction, air and ocean pollution, soil depletion and many others. Human activity in the development of nature has been irreversibly destructive in the last century. Economic progress is achieved at the expense of environmental regression. The main reason for the contradiction between economics and ecology is man’s attitude towards a consumer attitude towards nature. An environmental catastrophe can be prevented only through society's awareness of its responsibility for the state of its environment and the development of clear legal norms that limit the anthropogenic impact on nature, mandatory for all countries.

Social problems– a huge number of illiterate people, a difficult demographic situation and moral and ethical problems. The demographic problem (fertility, mortality, population density and migration) puts significant pressure on the socio-natural environment on a global scale. The rate of population growth increases with the development of civilization. Demographic processes since the 60s of the twentieth century. determined by two opposing trends:

1) “Demographic explosion” (a sharp increase in population in the countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America) leads to a sharp exacerbation of socio-economic problems in developing countries, primarily lack of work, hunger, illiteracy and instability of tens of millions of people.

2) “Zero growth” of population in countries Western Europe leads to a sharp aging of the population and its decline in developed countries. They are trying to solve the demographic problem in developing countries by implementing a state policy of control (reduction) of the birth rate; in developed countries, on the contrary, by encouraging the birth rate. However, the results in this direction are disappointing.

AIDS, drug addiction, bad habits, cardiovascular and cancer diseases are increasingly widespread in society and can lead to depopulation.

Economic problems– this is the depletion of resources and the division of the world into poles of economic development, problems of food supply and scientific and technological progress.

Food problem is the inability of developing countries to fully feed their populations.

Development Poles– this is the polarization of the world according to the principle of economic development.

Resource depletion. Formerly a man could calmly develop deposits, caring only that it would be economically beneficial for him. But the current situation shows that soon the mineral resources will simply run out.

TO political problems These include, first of all, issues of international terrorism, the threat of local wars, and the danger of a global war.

Since the middle of the twentieth century problems of war and peace ceased to be local in nature. There is a serious danger that weapons will be used during hostilities mass destruction, based on the production of energy during nuclear and thermonuclear reactions, which is capable of destroying all life on Earth. Other consequences: creating a “nuclear winter” effect; the appearance of an electromagnetic pulse that affects power plants and disables devices; radioactive contamination of the area.

Interethnic strife. In a number of regions of the world, interethnic contradictions have not been completely overcome; Many peoples were never able to create their own national states or self-determination, and for them the problem of ethnic self-identity is very urgent. A serious problem is regional conflicts and crises that give rise to civil wars, global terrorism, national and religious extremism are already on a global scale. Many modern political scientists and sociologists ( S. Huntington) are named as the causes of these conflicts: 1) the struggle of the “poor South” with the “rich North”; 2) the clash of civilizations with their different religious foundations (Christianity and Islam).

Terrorism– violent influence on people in order to intimidate them and achieve the implementation of their plans. Terrorist actions are always public in nature and are carried out with the aim of influencing society or the authorities. In the modern era, terror has gone beyond states and acquired a transnational character. Terror is now an integral system that unites large financial resources, the possibility of their flow and use in various regions of the world, powerful information support, a single network - a web covering the whole world.

Types of modern terrorism

political(aimed at directly influencing political leaders and their decisions, perhaps achieving their elimination);

informational(direct, often violent, influence on the psyche and consciousness of people in order to form the necessary opinions and judgments, the spread of certain “frightening” rumors);

economic(discriminatory economic actions aimed at putting pressure on competitors, which may include both individual companies and states);

social (household)(everyday intimidation that we may encounter on the street, at school, at home, for example, from “skinheads”, racketeers who terrorize small businesses).

Effective resolution of problems on a national, regional and planetary scale is possible in a non-violent way, based on dialogue and mutual understanding. All global problems are interconnected. In the 20th century humanity has become a force on a planetary scale, determining many aspects of existence of both the sphere of life - the biosphere, and the sphere of reason - the noosphere. Biosphere (V. I. Vernadsky) is an integral biogeochemical shell of the planet, developing according to its own internal laws. Noosphere– denotes the area of ​​interaction between nature and man, in which man and his mind play a decisive role: The Earth, in the process of the natural evolution of the organic world, enters a new geological era, when the biosphere must be realized and directed in its development by intelligent human activity.

Main directions for resolving global problems

* Formation of a new planetary consciousness, educating people on the principles of humanism, widely informing people about global problems.

* Comprehensive study of the causes and contradictions, conditions leading to the emergence and aggravation of problems.

* Concentration of efforts of all countries to solve global problems. Cooperation in the creation of the latest environmental technologies, a common world center for the study of global problems, a single fund of funds and resources, and information exchange. Conclusion international cooperation to a new quality level.

* Observation and control of global processes on the planet. Obtaining objective information from each country and international studies necessary for forecasting and decision making. Clear international system forecasting.

This text is an introductory fragment.

5. Global problems of our time

Global problems are the totality of the problems of humanity that faced it in the second halfXX century and on the solution of which the existence of civilization depends. These problems were the result of contradictions that had accumulated in the relationship between man and nature for a long time.

The first people who appeared on Earth, while obtaining food for themselves, did not violate natural laws and natural cycles. But in the process of evolution, the relationship between man and the environment has changed significantly. With the development of tools, man increasingly increased his “pressure” on nature. Already in ancient times this led to the desertification of vast areas of Malaya and Central Asia and the Mediterranean.

The period of great geographical discoveries was marked by the beginning of the predatory exploitation of the natural resources of Africa, America and Australia, which seriously affected the state of the biosphere on the entire planet. And the development of capitalism and industrial revolutions that occurred in Europe gave rise to environmental problems in this region. The impact of the human community on nature reached global proportions in the second half of the 20th century. And today the problem of overcoming the environmental crisis and its consequences is perhaps the most pressing and serious.

In the process of economic activity Human for a long time took the position of a consumer in relation to nature, mercilessly exploited it, believing that natural reserves were inexhaustible.

One of the negative results of human activity has been the depletion of natural resources. Yes, in the process historical development people gradually mastered more and more new types of energy: physical strength (first their own, and then animals), wind energy, falling or flowing water, steam, electricity and, finally, atomic energy.

Currently, work is underway to obtain energy through thermonuclear fusion. However, development nuclear energy constrained by public opinion, seriously concerned about the problem of ensuring the safety of nuclear power plants. As for other common energy sources - oil, gas, peat, coal, the danger of their depletion in the very near future is very great. So, if the growth rate of modern oil consumption does not increase (which is unlikely), then its proven reserves will last, at best, for the next fifty years. Meanwhile, most scientists do not confirm predictions according to which in the near future it will be possible to create a type of energy whose resources will become practically inexhaustible. Even if we assume that thermonuclear fusion can still be “tamed” in the next 15-20 years, its widespread implementation (with the creation of the necessary infrastructure for this) will take more than one decade. Therefore, humanity, apparently, should listen to the opinion of those scientists who recommend voluntary self-restraint in both energy production and consumption.

The second aspect of this problem is environmental pollution. Annually industrial enterprises, energy and transport complexes emit more than 30 billion tons of carbon dioxide and up to 700 million tons of vapor and gaseous compounds harmful to the human body into the Earth’s atmosphere.

The most powerful accumulations of harmful substances lead to the appearance of so-called “ozone holes” - places in the atmosphere through which the depleted ozone layer allows ultraviolet rays sunlight more freely to reach the surface of the Earth. This has Negative influence on the health of the planet's population. "Ozone holes" are one of the reasons for the increase in the number oncological diseases in people. The tragedy of the situation, according to scientists, also lies in the fact that if the ozone layer is completely depleted, humanity will not have the means to restore it.

Not only the air and land are polluted, but also the waters of the World Ocean. Every year from 6 to 10 million tons of crude oil and petroleum products fall into it (and taking into account their effluents, this figure can be doubled). All this leads to both the destruction (extinction) of entire species of animals and plants, and to the deterioration of the gene pool of all humanity. It is obvious that the problem of general environmental degradation, the consequence of which is the deterioration of people’s living conditions, is a universal human problem. Humanity can only solve it together. In 1982, the UN adopted a special document - the World Conservation Charter, and then created a special commission on environment. In addition to the UN, non-governmental organizations such as Greenpeace, the Club of Rome, etc. play a major role in developing and ensuring the environmental safety of mankind. As for the governments of the world's leading powers, they are trying to combat environmental pollution by adopting special environmental legislation.

Another problem is the problem of population growth globe(demographic problem). It is associated with the continuous increase in the population living on the planet and has its own background. Approximately 7 thousand years ago, during the Neolithic era, according to scientists, no more than 10 million people lived on the planet. By the beginning of the 15th century. this figure has doubled, and early XIX V. - approached a billion. The two billion mark was crossed in the 20s. XX century, and as of 2000, the world's population had already exceeded 6 billion people.

The demographic problem is generated by two global demographic processes: the so-called population explosion in developing countries and under-reproduction of the population in developed countries. However, it is obvious that the Earth's resources (primarily food) are limited, and already today a number of developing countries have had to face the problem of limiting the birth rate. But, according to scientists’ forecasts, the birth rate will reach simple reproduction (i.e., replacement of generations without population growth) in Latin America no earlier than 2035, in South Asia no earlier than 2060, and in Africa no earlier than 2070. Between Therefore, it is necessary to solve the demographic problem now, because the current population size is hardly feasible for a planet that is not able to provide such a number of people with the food necessary for survival.

Some demographers also point to such an aspect of the demographic problem as a change in the structure of the world population, occurring as a result of the demographic explosion of the second half of the 20th century. In this structure, the number of residents and immigrants from developing countries is growing - people who are poorly educated, unsettled, who do not have positive life guidelines and the habit of observing the norms of civilized behavior. this leads to a significant decline in the intellectual level of humanity and the spread of such antisocial phenomena as drug addiction, vagrancy, crime, etc.

Closely intertwined with the demographic problem is the problem of reducing the gap in the level of economic development between developed Western countries and developing countries of the Third World (the so-called North-South problem).

The essence of this problem is that the majority of those released in the second half of the 20th century. From the colonial dependence of the countries, having taken the path of catching-up economic development, they were unable, despite relative successes, to catch up with the developed countries in terms of basic economic indicators (primarily in terms of GNP per capita). This was largely due to the demographic situation: population growth in these countries actually offset the economic successes achieved.

And finally, another global problem, which has long been considered the most important, is the problem of preventing a new - third world war.

The search for ways to prevent world conflicts began almost immediately after the end of the World War of 1939-1945. It was then that the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition decided to create the UN - a universal international organization, the main goal of which was to develop interstate cooperation and, in the event of a conflict between countries, to assist opposing parties in resolving controversial issues peacefully. However, the final division of the world into two systems - capitalist and socialist - soon took place, as well as the beginning of " cold war“and the new arms race have more than once brought the world to the brink of nuclear disaster. The threat of the outbreak of a third world war was especially real during the so-called Caribbean crisis of 1962 caused by the deployment of Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba. But thanks to the reasonable position of the leaders of the USSR and the USA, the crisis was resolved peacefully. In subsequent decades, the world's leading nuclear powers signed a number of agreements to limit nuclear weapons, and some of nuclear powers committed to stopping nuclear testing. In many ways, the decision of governments to accept such obligations was influenced by the social movement for peace, as well as such an authoritative interstate association of scientists who advocated general and complete disarmament as the Pugwash movement. It was scientists who, with the help of scientific models, convincingly proved that the main consequence of a nuclear war would be an environmental disaster, which would result in climate change on Earth. The latter can lead to genetic changes in human nature and, possibly, to the complete extinction of humanity.

Today we can state the fact that the likelihood of conflict between the leading powers of the world is much less than before. However, there is a possibility of getting nuclear weapons into the hands of authoritarian regimes (Iraq) or individual terrorists. On the other hand, recent events related to the activities of the UN commission in Iraq and the new aggravation of the Middle East crisis once again prove that, despite the end of the Cold War, the threat of a third world war still exists.

Due to the end of the Cold War in the mid-1980s. a global conversion problem has arisen. Conversion is the gradual transfer of excess resources (capital, labor technology, etc.), which were previously employed in the military sphere, into the civilian sphere. Conversion is in the interests of most people because it significantly reduces the threat of military conflict.

All global problems are interconnected. It is impossible to solve each of them separately: humanity must solve them together in order to preserve life on the planet.

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Problems modern society Most of them are caused by a person’s consumer attitude towards the environment and changes in life priorities. Once a person struggled for survival by hunting wild animals and growing bread, today his goal has become to gain wealth and power.

Characteristics of modern society

Sociologists studying the problems of modern society have called it post-industrial, unable to find a more suitable word to describe the existing model of relations. The post-industrial form of unification of people was preceded by the agricultural and industrial systems.

The first existed from the moment when homo sapiens began to cultivate the land, trying to provide themselves with food and minimal means of subsistence. The second appeared with the development of production, when agriculture faded into the background, and industry moved to the forefront.

The transition to a service society marked the emergence of a post-industrial formation in which informatization and technological innovation come first.

Characteristic features of modern society are the globalization of the economy and the predominance of the service sector over industry and agriculture. When we talk about the service sector, we mean, first of all, informatization. In other words, in modern society the main source of income is not production, but information resources.

Global problems of modern society

It would seem that progress and a shift in emphasis towards information technologies should have a positive impact on the state of society. However, the result was ambiguous.

Information is not able to feed and meet the basic needs of a person - this is the prerogative of the agricultural sector and industry, and they have not gone away, they have simply moved from one country to another.

Have you noticed that there are practically no goods produced in the USA on sale, but a lot of products imported from China? Developed countries, pursuing the goal of reducing the cost of their products through inexpensive labor and reducing the environmental load on their territories, have transferred most of their production to the countries of the “second” and “third” world.

Ecological threat

However, this did not solve environmental problem: States do not exist in isolation from each other, and the greenhouse effect has an equally negative impact on all countries.

Where is the exit? Switch to environmentally friendly modes of transport - electric cars and bicycles, switch to natural sources of energy, generating it from the power of wind and solar heat.

There are developments in this direction, but transnational corporations are slowing down the implementation of environmental technologies, since they receive huge profits from the sale of oil used in the production of gasoline and diesel fuel.


Another problem of modern society is overpopulation.

Scientists warn that exceeding the population of 12 billion will lead to the destruction of the planet's ecosystem, as a result of which about 5 billion people will be on the verge of death due to heat and hunger.

Today there are more than 7 billion people living on the planet, according to UN forecasts, at the current rate of population growth in 2100 the number of inhabitants of the Earth will reach 11 billion.

Both fantastic (relocation to other planets) and shockingly cruel (the third world war) are mentioned as ways to solve this problem.

However, the most optimal way to regulate the population is called birth control. The ethical side of this issue may cause indignation among some. However, here humanity will have to choose the lesser of evils: prevent the birth of a child or let him be born in order to die in agony.

Lack of energy resources

A shortage of energy resources can cause the collapse of civilization. The reserves of oil, coal and gas in the bowels of the planet will last humanity for about 170 years.

Without these minerals, power plants will shut down, production will stop, virtual exchange of information will become impossible; humanity, deprived of the benefits of civilization, will be on the verge of extinction and degradation.

How to avoid this? Develop alternative energy sources. But research in this direction is moving slowly for the reasons we mentioned above.

Social problems of modern society

The development of society has led to a shift in priorities and the replacement of moral values ​​with material ones.

The desire to provide themselves and their loved ones with comfortable living conditions has grown into a thirst for profit, status and position in society are valued above moral qualities, and developed countries largely survive at the expense of third world countries, using their labor and natural resources.

Changing the value scale

Arguing their actions with the human right to freedom of choice, some states have legalized prostitution and drugs, thereby shaping the consciousness of the younger generation new system valuables, where sale own body is equivalent to the work of a doctor and a teacher, and smoking marijuana becomes the norm.

High crime rate

The world still has a high crime rate. According to this indicator, Honduras is the absolute leader, where there are 90 intentional murders per 100 thousand people. There is a pattern: the lower the level of spirituality in a society and the degree of development of this society, the higher the crime there.

The functions of forming spirituality in society have always been assigned to the family, church and art. If modern parents begin to instill in their children the principles of honesty and humanity, spiritual fathers become an example for their flock, and writers begin to prioritize not circulation and income, but the high artistry of their works, we will have a chance to revive spirituality and fight crime.

Prostitution and drug addiction

Drug addiction and alcoholism are social evils, which are based on dissatisfaction and the desire to escape from problems. In fact, a person is experiencing spiritual devastation, and society is to blame for this, creating conditions in which a person loses his “I”, beginning to seek solace or new emotions in a dose of alcohol or heroin.

Someone, wanting to earn extra money, put a drug addict on a needle, someone was indifferent to his fate and he turned away from his comrade without making an attempt to save him - human indifference kills. Lack of spirituality leads to loss of compassion and degradation of society. Hence the rest of human troubles: AIDS, the rise of prostitution, kidnapping.

Are the problems of modern society solvable? Yes, we can solve it. We see this on the scale of individual, quite prosperous countries: Sweden, Switzerland, Norway.

Does humanity have a chance to survive? It has. But to do this, we need to stop mindlessly chasing profit, hiding behind social slogans and ostentatious charity, and throw all available resources at the fight for the environment, helping backward countries and reviving spirituality.

Is humanity ready for this? We will know the answer to this question over time.

Problems of our time and the future of humanity - these are the questions that concern everyone modern politicians and scientists. This is understandable. After all, from the decision modern problems The future of the Earth and all humanity really depends.

Origin of the term

The term "global problems" began to appear in scientific literature at the end of the 60s of the last century. This is how scientists characterized both new problems that appeared at the junction of the industrial and information eras, and old ones that existed in the “man-nature-society” system, aggravated and aggravated in modern conditions.

Figure 1. Environmental pollution

Global problems are problems that cannot be solved by the efforts of one country or one people, but at the same time, the fate of the entire human civilization depends on their solution.


Scientists identify two large groups reasons that led to the emergence of global problems.

  • The growth of local problems, conflicts and contradictions into global ones (this is due to the process of globalization, unification and generalization of humanity).
  • Active transformative human activity that influences nature, the political situation and society.

Types of global problems

The global problems facing humanity include three large groups of problems (modern classification).

Table"List of global problems of humanity"

TOP 3 articleswho are reading along with this

Group The essence of the problems (characteristic) Examples of major global issues included in the group
Intersocial global issues Problems existing in the “society-society” system related to maintaining security and peace on the planet 1. The problem of preventing a global nuclear catastrophe.

2. The problem of war and peace.

3. The problem of overcoming the backwardness of developing countries.

4. Creation of optimal conditions for the social progress of all peoples.

Ecological problems Problems existing in the “society-nature” system related to overcoming various environmental problems 1. Raw materials problem.

2. Food problem.

3. Energy problem.

4. Prevention of environmental pollution.

5. Preventing the extinction of various animals and plants.

Social problems Problems existing in the “person-society” system related to overcoming complex social problems 1. Demographic problem.

2. The problem of maintaining human health.

3. The problem of spreading education.

4. Overcoming the negative impacts of the STR (scientific and technological revolution).

All global problems are connected to each other and influence each other. It is impossible to solve them separately; it is necessary A complex approach. That is why priority global problems were identified, the essence of which is similar, and on the solution of which the immediate future of the Earth depends.

Let's imagine the dependence of problems on each other schematically and name the global problems of humanity in order of their importance.

Figure 2. Connection of global problems with each other

  • The problem of the world (disarmament of countries and prevention of a new global conflict) is associated with the problem (hereinafter “-”) of overcoming the backwardness of developing countries.
  • Ecological problem - demographic problem.
  • Energy problem – raw materials problem.
  • Food problem – use of the World Ocean.

It is interesting that the solution to all global problems is possible if we try to solve the most important and pressing problem at the moment - global space exploration.

Common features (signs) of global problems

Despite the fact that global problems are modern stage There are many developments of humanity, they all have common features:

  • they affect the life activity of all humanity at once;
  • they are an objective factor in the development of humanity;
  • they require an urgent decision;
  • they involve international cooperation;
  • The fate of all human civilization depends on their decision.

Figure 3. The problem of hunger in African countries

Main directions for resolving world problems and threats

To solve global problems, the efforts of all humanity are needed, and not only material and physical, but also psychological. In order for the work to be successful, it is necessary

  • to form a new planetary consciousness, constantly inform people about threats, give them only relevant information, and train them;
  • develop effective system cooperation between countries in solving global problems: studying, monitoring the situation, preventing the situation from worsening, creating a forecasting system;
  • concentrate a large number of strength specifically in solving global problems.

Social forecasts for the existence of humanity

Based on the fact that the list of global problems is currently worsening and expanding, scientists make social forecasts for the existence of humanity:

  • pessimistic forecast or environmental pessimism(in short, the essence of the forecast boils down to the fact that humanity will face a large-scale environmental disaster and inevitable death);
  • optimistic forecast or scientific and technical optimism(scientists hope that scientific and technical progress will lead to global problems being resolved).

What have we learned?

The term “global problems” is not new, and it does not refer only to those problems that emerged at the end of the 20th century. All global problems have both their own characteristics and similarities. They are interconnected and the solution to one problem depends on the timely resolution of the other.

The topic “Global problems of our time” is one of the main ones in social studies lessons at school. On the topic “Global problems, threats and challenges” they make reports and write abstracts, and it is necessary not only to give examples of problems, but also to show their connection, and explain how it is possible to cope with this or that problem.

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